Forum Discussion

SnakesssOnAPlan's avatar
8 years ago

Character Skins: Give us Individuality!

How about the option to give us the ability to modify character skins via a Character Shop? Using AP or another form of payment, but crystals as only for the most unique, hard-to-get attire. This would certainly appease many of the masses in regards to character "dullness". Thoughts?

Further, there could be this added benefit:

"DeaconYaMouf;851189" wrote:
I'm sure, like most other games, there will be a "uniform" tab. In this tab you spend crystals to change the skin your toon is wearing and the new skin will give significant stat boosts. I've played many games that have this mechanic in it. Marvel Future Fight is the first that comes to mind.

Edit 5/6/2017: Bringing my own thread back to the top. It's not a "necro", per se, as I wanted to keep the dialog going from here without having to make a new thread.

Additional thoughts and input, positive or negative, for or against, are always welcomed.