Forum Discussion

BriggerGuy's avatar
8 years ago

Chaze-less Theory Crafting

Imagine a galaxy without Chaze. Personally I think it would make this game much more interesting. Since the release of Chaze, with the exception of sith, every top tier team is built around Chaze. So let's do some theory crafting where Chaze isn't in the picture at all. You don't even have to worry about including a counter to Chaze in these theories.

Keep in mind, I don't want this thread to turn into a "Nerf Chaze" thread. I simply think it would be interesting to imagine a game without Chaze. In my opinion, the game would be much more diversified and balanced. Fully zeta'd first order teams would stand a better chance, along with zFinn resistance teams.

I'll start off with a team that doesn't need to worry about having enough DPS to whittle down Baze but has plenty of CC to take out any other team. I'm actually gonna try this team out when I finally get DN geared up (soonish)

GK (lead), Fives, Aayla, R2 and DN.

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