Forum Discussion

accursedvenom's avatar
5 years ago

Chewbacca event

Why in the hell is tier 5 so difficult? Doesn’t matter which leader I use or what I upgrade on the team I have. Can’t beat it. Managed to kill Chewbacca a couple time but then I get wiped out. I’ve heard I need bossk as lead but I’m nowhere close to having bossk high enough to use him. Won’t be for awhile especially with shard drops being total trash.

My team is boba (7* 85 g9), cad bane (7* 85 g8), dengar (7* 80 g7), greedo (7* 84 g8), and Zam (6* 76 g7). Do I really need to get an entire g12 team for this?
  • I used boba lead to get 7* and the same team as you as well. You need higher gear and if running boba lead, put as much potency on all your chars as well.

    For a 5*, you prob just need a gear or 2 more on each char.
  • Yes.
    Reason why tier 5 is so difficult compared to the earlier 4 is because that is the tier that unlocks Chewbacca. You really need G12 (11 may pass for tier 5), a couple of zetas, to go all out on potency with a Boba lead, and to make sure you activate their contracts as fast as possible.
  • Considering you managed to kill Chewie a few times despite being woefully undergeared i would say you are doing great. T5 recommends g11, and you attack it with bad bh at g9,8,8,7,7 and then wonder why its hard?

    You dont need a whole g12 team, but g12 bossk and halfway decent dengar +3 others make this event fairly straightforward through t7
  • Your team composition is fine. You can even manage tier 7 with those characters. However, g7 is low even for tier 5. 5x g9 can probably beat tier 5, if you use "correct" mods. Never underestimate the importance of mods in those events.
  • I feel you sir, and Tier 7 is way harder. I highly highly highly suggest investing in Bossk. He and Dengar are the key characters for this event, if you want to get Chewie quickly and with skill.
  • G11 was practical minimum for 7*, at 5* you might pass it with g10, but it is hours of “playing”
  • Working on bossk in addition to teams for both revans. I’ll keep trying and building up my squad. Maybe I’ll get lucky one day. Thanks for the tips.