Forum Discussion

zmrki-zmrki's avatar
8 years ago

CLS Zeta +100% tenacity?

Can anyone explain how it works? If I am correct it is luke tenacity + 100%. In my case it os around 140% so how come he is getting debufed so easily. And no I don't apply CTA...
  • "OpticGK_Alex;c-1266734" wrote:

    Only for jedi and cls is only rebel

    EDIT: I get it. Yes that's true. Vader's ability block is only irresistible by Jedi.
  • A lot of the Bethesda games do (or used to) work with a 100% cap. You'd bring up your lockpicking skill in Fallout to 100% and then that was it. It was consistent, but they were boxed games.

    With the power creep inherent in games like this, it's easier to just sling around % increases. It's hard to bring in the next best toon and get $ if you're working with a ceiling you can't go over.