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treebunner's avatar
4 years ago

Cody and Clone sergeant touch up

Clone Sergeant

· Basic · Level 8
Z-6 Rotary Blaster-

Deal Physical damage to target enemy gain Accuracy Up for 2 Turns, and gain 30% Turn Meter.(45%) on a critical hit.
Deal 20% more damage to enemies with less than 50% Turn Meter, and an additional 20% damage if Clone Sergeant Phase I had Accuracy Up.

· Special · Level 8
Suppressive Fire 3 turn cooldown

Deal Physical damage to all enemies, remove 50% of their Turn Meters and gain Defence Up for 2 turns. Deal 15% more damage and apply Defence Down and Offence down for 1 turn on enemies who resisted this turn meter effect.

· Unique · Level 8
Concentrated Fire

Clone Sergeant Phase I gains 5% Critical Chance and Critical Damage, and 4% Health Steal and Counter Damage for each living Clone ally.
•All other Clone allies gain half of this amount untill Clone sergeant Phase I is defeated. When Clone sergeant Phase I is defeated all allies gain Accuracy Up for 1 Turn.

•Unique• Level 8
Clone Re-enforcements

Clone Sergeant Phase I has +45% Defence Penetration and gains an additional 15% for each defeated Clone Ally.
Clone Sergeant Phase I gains +45 Offence and +15 Defence each time he gains or he reduces an enemies Turn meter, stacking until the end of the battle.
Clone Sergeant Phase I has a 15% chance to assist whenever a Galactic Republic ally scores a critical hit (35% for Clone allies), These assists deal 40% less Damage, Clone Sergeant Phase I gains +1% Critical Chance (stacking) if this assist scores a Critical Hit. If the Ally he assists is a Clone Trooper they each gain Defence Penetration for 1 Turn.
Limit once per turn.
(Assist triggers once per turn).

CC-2224 "Cody"

· Basic · Level 8
Alpha Strike

Deal Physical damage to target enemy and gain 25% Turn Meter. Gain an additional 20% Turn Meter if that enemy has more than 45% Health, and an additional 15% Turn Meter if that enemy has less than 55% Turn Meter.
•Cody has a 20% chance to gain Speed Up for 2 Turns. (35%) if all Allies are Galactic Republic.
If Cody already had Speed Up grant it to a random Clone ally that doesn't have the buff for 1 Turn.

· Special · Level 8
AT-TE Mass-Driver Cannon 4 turn cooldown

Deal Special damage to target enemy and 30% less damage to all other enemies. If this attack scores at least 2 Critical Hits, Reduce the cooldown of this ability by 1 and Stun the primary target for 1 turn, with a 60% Chance to Stun another random enemy for 1 turn.
•All Galactic Republic allies Recover 2% of their Max Protection for each Critical hit. (4% for Clone Trooper allies).

· Special · Level 8
The 212th Attack 6 turn cooldown

Call all Clone allies and one random ally to assist. These Assists deal 40% less damage. Each time an Assist scores a Critical Hit reduce the Cooldown of this ability by 1.
Cody gains +0.5% Max Health for each Clone Ally that scores a Critical Hit, stacking till the end of the battle.
• If Cody is the leader : All Clone allies have 65% Chance to gain Evasion Up for 1 turn on a Critical Hit.

· Leader · Level 8
Ghost Company Commander

Clone and Galactic Republic allies gain 30% Critical Chance, and 15% Tenacity and Accuracy, all other allies gain half that amount.
Cody gains 212% Defence and all other Clone allies gain half that amount.
Clone allies Gain Speed Up and Defence Up for 1 turn at the start of the battle.
(Zeta) Clone allies Recover 5% of their Max Protection, and gain 7.5% Offence and 10% Counter Chance until the end of their next turn, whenever they use a basic ability.

Whenever a Galactic Republic ally uses a special ability they have a 55% chance to dispel all debuffs on a random Clone ally.

• Unique • Level 8
Overcoming the Odds

At the start of the battle Cody gains +5% Potency, +5% Health Steal, and gains an additional +5% of both, for each defeated Ally.
Cody has a 45% chance to apply Accuracy Down for 2 Turns whenever he critically hits.
Cody gains 0.25% Critical damage for each Clone Ally he calls to assist.
Clone allies Recover 3% of their Max Health whenever they Evade, Counter and Apply or Resist a detrimental effect untill Cody is defeated, (5%) if Cody is the Leader.

Was bored and thought of trying to touch up the two forgotten clones, wasn't trying to change the kits to much but thought they needed a buff as they have fallen behind slightly.
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