I keep an eye on Crumb's replies, on his profile screen. There haven't been any threads or replies, short of a small notification about a specific lag issue, for almost a week now. I thought a newly hired CM would have a bit of a forum presence. I thought his job would be to look through the threads and posts, and bridge the gap between the developers and the players who are avid enough to frequent this forum.
When he asks, on behalf of EACG, for feedback about the raid, and then completely ignores it, I get frustrated. "Your opinion matters to us! Just write what you think and put the note in this barrel. We might look at it in a month or two."
My expectations? To have a reply once in awhile, feedback for our feedback, which of our praises or complaints might be validated and which might have other explanations that we need to accept. What can we expect will be done about this community's issues with (atm) the STR and Ships? We are assured that something is being done, but what direction might this take? Is it based on the barrel of suggestions? Shouldn't someone be filtering through these and establishing a dialogue, even directing the conversation toward something productive, rather than just taking all the raw data?
Why promise to improve communications? Why hire a new CM, why go through all this, only to not follow up? SWGOH surely doesn't need any of these things to be successful, but why inflame the forum community by promising a bunch of stuff and pulling a Kaiser Soze?