2 years agoSeasoned Ace
Concept idea: Darth Tyranus[GL]
Darth Tyranus
Dark Side
Galactic Legend, Separatist, Sith, Attacker
Dark Side
Galactic Legend, Separatist, Sith, Attacker
- basic: his basic grants him foresight and marked until the first time he recieves dmg(if no other tank taunts).
- Special 1
>> Inflict Provoked on target enemy for turns then deal dmg times to target enemy and 2 other enemies. Non-provoked enemies can't counter this ability. - Special 2
>> Deal dmg to target enemy and inflict shock on all enemies for turns. If target enemy was already shocked - remove all of his protection.
>> Then Deal Dmg to all enemies inflicted with shock. Dmg scales for each living enemy that is not inflicted with shock. - Ultimate: His ultimate can be activated at 60-70% and 100%.
>> If its activated at less then 100% - deal huge dmg to target enemy and fracture that enemy for 2-3 DT's turns, or until Darth Tyranus is defeated.
>> If its activated at 100% - the first time this ability is used it defeats non-GL target enemy; or if its immune to insta-kill or is GL - deals massive dmg to target enemy and fracture that enemy for the rest of the battle, or until Darth Tyranus is defeated.
>> If its not the first time Darth Tyranus uses this ability at 100% - deal massive dmg to target enemy and fracture that enemy for 3 DT's turns, or until Darth Tyranus is defeated.
>> Revived enemies previously defeated by this ability are fractured forDT's turn - Leadership and Unique effects and
>> Starts battle with ultimate charged to 50%
>> Darth Tyranus recieves reduced dmg from out-of turn attacks and ignores taunt (can't ignor marked enemies)
>> Grants non-Grievus separatis droids 1 stack of endless batalion, but reduces their health and protection to compensate.
>> Extortion on enemies and profit on allies grants heal over time and hot restores health and protection
>> non-GL enemy characters gain Disarm for the rest of the battle whenever they are revived while being defeated by Darth Tyranus.
>> Darth Tyranus ignores protection on debuffed enemies.
>> Debuffed enemies can't evade separatists attacks and recieve higher dmg the more debuffs they gain
>> Separatist allies start battle with profit and weakest non-jedi enemy starts with extortion.
>> Darth Tyranus gains additional bonuses for himself if there is galactic republic jedi as an ally and that ally counts as separatist OR grants additional bonuses to separatist allies if there is another sith ally. In addition, if there is DS UFU ally - that ally gains same bonuses as Darth Tyranus. Darth Tyranus can't recieve bonuses if there is GR Jedi and more than one Sith ally at the same time(Darth Tyranus counts as a sith, so basically if there is another sith ally)
>> Darth Tyranus gains unque buff disillusion whenever any Sith or Galactic Republic Jedi character uses an ability during their turn. . Whenever he gainsstacks of disillusion, enemy Leader gains condemned: can't gain foresight, stealth and healthsteal is to to 0% permanently and if that Leader is Force user (sith, Jedi, UFU) - he suffers true bonus dmg whever Darth Tyranus deals dmg to other enemies]