"mariogsh;c-2359081" wrote:
Oh, you mean completing the feat via the last node where you get Malgus borrowed and will probably be fixed next conquest so you can't do it anymore? Yeah...
Like, I know that being a paranoid conspiracy theorist us super in right now, but what makes you think this? Like, seriously, what specifically had CG done in the past that makes you think they'll change that node? And I mean what have they ACTUALLY done, not what paranoid fantasies have people imagined they'll do. Literally they change feats and discs every three.conquests. That's all they do. And nutters still pop up ever three seconds like "I beat a node, CG will nerf everything now, I am such a victim, woe is me!". Seriously, please, step into the real world. It is so much more enjoyable than your.paranoid delusional fantasy where elite special forces CG agents are tracking your every move and nerfing anything and everything you use.