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avsfsapo's avatar
2 years ago

Conquest Hard Newbie...doubts?

I played Normal until i could beat it, no issue there. I am now on HARD and finished Tier 3 so far...not sure if i will go much further...i have a few doubts i am not sure:
1) Worth it to play in Hard? I know the final reward i will get will be better BUT i will NOT be able to improve my datacrons past a certain level as i dont expect to be able to replay the bonus node on Levels 4 and 5...
2) I recently unlocked SEE...i am using it to clear some levels that no other team can clear...BUT i end up getting only one star as i lose at least 2 other there a better way? AM i supposed to have more GLs?
3) Can i expect SEE to clear all 5 levels, assuming i can manage the stamina, or will i meet a "wall"...i started losing versus Geos on tier 3...?
4) Teams that would work ok in normal (Revan, Drevan, Padme) are now struggling a lot on some levels, does it make sense to Relic/Mod them higher...or is GLs the way to go?
  • My go to character for easy 3 stars is a fast Dash Rendar with at least 3 Zealous Ambition datadisks. He can pretty much nuke an entire team with just his aoe. If you can't get him fast enough you can always use a fast Thrawn and pass the TM onto Dash and boom, entire team gone in one shot.

    To be honest, I do have him a relic 7 for Profundity and that really helps with his damage output, so not the cheapest solution but using him really makes clearing nodes a breeze.
  • the end of conquest i actually managed to do the 4 first i can answer myself...
    1) Hard provides more rewards as long as you have an effective GL (with ultimate). I used SEE to "unblock" hard nodes...i would get ONE star, but move trough,
    2) More GLs are good, but not NECESSARY. GOOD TEAMS and BUFFS help getting three stars on many nodes, BUT the "tasks" are mostly impossible for anyone with an "incomplete" roster. HARD "needs" lots of reliced teams to finish, including "recent" teams that free players wont have anytime soon. BUT an unfinished HARD is better than a complete MEDIUM.
    3) SEE can one star most nodes. I did fail a couple, but could go around or use something else. I DID NOT FINISH so not 100% sure it can be done, but i got to sector 5.
    4) VERY GOOD Jedi, Sith, GR, Empire, ITroopers will clear nodes in HARD; If improved i guess they will be even i will RELIC a few of them up to 5 (or 7 if possible). Way cheaper than getting more GLs.
  • Probably can clear all the way with SEE but need a lot of stam packs and really not worth it as you are not going to get the feats done. Really for me the S! & S3 prize nodes are the only ones i farm anyway.
  • EdSolo75's avatar
    Rising Rookie
    GL's are the way to go, even making oddball teams with them to get a jump on the opponents. Going first can change the whole battle. Your JMK, GK, CAT +2 team can clear about any node through sector 5. That is my go to clean up team if I don't three star a node. Datadisks also make a big difference. You can run a JML team with Yoda, Shaak, +2 with zealous ambition disks and the support units will hit for big damage. Entreanched and Fortified disks are also big helps. At this point, the teams you see on regular nodes in hard mode aren't that diverse so you learn which teams to use. Enemies are generally: Anakin w/ 501st, Padme, GK and Yoda led Jedi, GG teams (with and without Wat), Inquisitors, Ewoks, Geos, Tuskens, Jawas, JTR lead resistance, Imp Troopers, Thrawn or Palp lead Empire, DR lead Sith Empire, BH's, NS's, OR + Nest, Clones, MM lead rebel fighters, Phoenix, Bo Katarn or Maul lead Mandos, Hux lead FO, and Dooku lead Seps. You will see lots of repeats.
  • "EdSolo;c-2403533" wrote:
    GL's are the way to go, (...) Datadisks also make a big difference. (...) At this point, the teams you see on regular nodes in hard mode aren't that diverse so you learn which teams to use.

    Well...i wont have a second GL anytime soon...if ever...the first one was already a HUGE grind. I am on my (also long) way to JKL...
    Makes sense to invest in Relicing to 7 Jedi (Revan and Yoda+3) and Sith Empire? Or should i invest on something else?

  • "spacemonkiee;c-2403633" wrote:
    My go to character for easy 3 stars is a fast Dash Rendar with at least 3 Zealous Ambition datadisks. He can pretty much nuke an entire team with just his aoe. If you can't get him fast enough you can always use a fast Thrawn and pass the TM onto Dash and boom, entire team gone in one shot.

    To be honest, I do have him a relic 7 for Profundity and that really helps with his damage output, so not the cheapest solution but using him really makes clearing nodes a breeze.

    Dash is a BEAST, to get the smugglers feat in S5, i stuck him with Hoda and Rey and just obliterated the toons.

    "Ghost666;c-2404210" wrote: the end of conquest i actually managed to do the 4 first i can answer myself...
    1) Hard provides more rewards as long as you have an effective GL (with ultimate). I used SEE to "unblock" hard nodes...i would get ONE star, but move trough,
    2) More GLs are good, but not NECESSARY. GOOD TEAMS and BUFFS help getting three stars on many nodes, BUT the "tasks" are mostly impossible for anyone with an "incomplete" roster. HARD "needs" lots of reliced teams to finish, including "recent" teams that free players wont have anytime soon. BUT an unfinished HARD is better than a complete MEDIUM.
    3) SEE can one star most nodes. I did fail a couple, but could go around or use something else. I DID NOT FINISH so not 100% sure it can be done, but i got to sector 5.
    4) VERY GOOD Jedi, Sith, GR, Empire, ITroopers will clear nodes in HARD; If improved i guess they will be even i will RELIC a few of them up to 5 (or 7 if possible). Way cheaper than getting more GLs.

    For Conquest GL's are useful for sure, particularly if your overall team isn't going to be naturally strong. for example i used Rey with 3p0, R2, Chewpio, and IG to get the droid kills, as i don't have 5rt.

    However, as you've stated in your summary post, having other strong teams are very effective.
    My main teams are:
    Palp Lead, Mara Jade, Thrawn, RG, Piett/Vader
    GAS + 501st
    Padme +4 (great if you have Zealous Ambition, and useful if you use Support and Tanks only)
    CLS Rebels
    Any mix match GL with support toons. I have 6/7 GL's so i tend to use an assortment of GL's to match my need.
    Need evasion feat, use JML with Jedi, but namely Hoda and Yoda.
    Need a team moved out of the way but need to save stamina on more critical team, use SLKR or JMK
    Need survivability until i can get an attack.... use Rey with Wat

    On occasion i may use Imperial troopers but i find they are a bit squishy.

    Tbf though, i've found that this Conquest has been the worst for F2P players to get the feats
  • EdSolo75's avatar
    Rising Rookie
    Another thing to remember, the first box in hard is better than the top box in medium. So even if you can't make it all the way through, you get better rewards. I'm ftp as well, but I started a month or so after the game came out so I have gone through a lot of grinds. It still takes me a lot of time to unlock things, but I'm up to 6 GL's and just need to finish Lando and Leia for Jabba. Just keep at it and you will see bigger improvements to your roster.
  • "EdSolo;c-2404232" wrote:
    Another thing to remember, the first box in hard is better than the top box in medium. So even if you can't make it all the way through, you get better rewards.

    THIS^^ i am not so sure. IN MY CASE i finished 4 sectors, even if without many i get the tier 3 crate and most of the "addtional" rewards.
    BUT...if you do only sector ONE i am not so sure if it is worth cant get omicron materials for instance...

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