Way too difficult for any of my teams on Normal. 1st battle used up nearly all my energy, even then it was I fluke I eventually won it. Can't go any further as the next battle is either Nightsisters or Geonosians, both teams I can't beat even when they are lower level than me in Arena scraps...
I have been playing every day for over a year as F2P. Around 2M GP total, 1.2M GP characters.
My best/most-resilient team is 96K:
G12: Bastila, Yoda, Old Ben + G11: Windu, Luminar (sometimes swap Windu with G11 Anakin).
Next best team is 99K:
G12: Vader + G11: Palpatine, Boba + G10 Dooku, Sidious.
(these guys do a lot of damage but last a fraction of the time that the Bastila team do)
I was looking forward to having something else to do in the day rather than wait for the energy timers to refresh. Quite disappointed this is a game mode I can't use unless I grind away for another 6-12 months :-(