Forum Discussion

FREEDOMfrom's avatar
7 years ago

Crazy Idea, Console Version

This may be a crazy idea. But I'm primarily a console gamer. I'm wondering if a game like this could end up on console? I feel it can keep the turn based philosophy combat kinda like FF games. Each ability can be tied to certain buttons on the controller.

Maybe they could add a bit of a story-line to play, where you can select your squad and travel around a large map and battle bad guys.

What do you guys think?
  • Iy4oy4s's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Worked for fallout shelter, why not? I would support it.
  • I think it could work, shoot even if they kept it almost exactly the same i'd play it. But they could use the console power to really add some fun stuff to it.
  • It would have to be able to crossover with mobile, therefore keeping everything the same. Just working on controls.

    Sounds fun though.