@Nonemo I apologize coming over as bratty at best. I agree it is beneath me. I just find it infuriating that people can actually defend this move from this company that has obviously got tons of people angry and feeling cheated.
It's not just one or two of us, it's a substantial amount of forum posters and who knows how many players who don't even know this forum exists. We will never know how many players this has turned away because let's be honest here, it's a money grab and people aren't stupid, they will see it. How many games have you deleted after playing a few days seeing after seeing what is really going on and spotting the obvious money grab?
It's illogical. I don't need to do the maths, I play the game. I can see how it has crippled progression to the point where i actually feel sad about where this game is going. It's been a long time since I found a game that I enjoy so much and to watch it go down the route of insatiable greed at the cost of longevity is so fustrating.
It is simply illogical not to see that the keycard battles were taken away and we were given a system which is far from the improvement they promised.it has crippled many, many players that aren't prepared to pay into a contrived and gimped economy of credits.
It will affect their bottom line, it already is, as stated above its easy to see, there are websites which track IAP purchases.
I'm sure they will see this in their back pockets and make the change within a few months.