"Monel;c-2000789" wrote:
"Cossin;c-1999917" wrote:
"Nauros;c-1999856" wrote:
Crewless ships are not only good but necessary for the sustainability of this game mode. This way, we can get more generic ships without flooding the game with useless characters and further straining our resources. Congrats to CG for finding a way out of this flawed system.
Wrong! Unless they overpower crewless ships or add ship mods, relic‘d crew will always pushing further while crewless ships stay at their ship max. It‘s de facto not a solution... it rather causes more problems.
While I agree that the system itself is flawed, why not give those useless toons an incentive to be farmed and geared? E.g. make pilots a class specifically AIMED at ships (whether you gear or not is up to you):
TIE pilot as pilot of:
TIE Fighter
TIE Bomber (tba)
TIE Interceptor (tba)
Resistance Pilot as pilot of:
Resistance X-wing
Resistance Y-wing (tba)
Resistance A-wing (tba)
Clone Trooper pilot as pilot of:
V-wing (tba)
That way they can still introduce heroic ships and their pilots for $$$, as well as having the generic teams covered with solid „starter“ ships that are mediocre but can be still useful in some teams until highend is reached which would be heroic ships. Also, special forces pilots can still be around FO SF-TIE Fighter Pilot e.g.
So 1 character is flying 3 different ships?
Yes, that would be the idea. Since they are generic "pilots" they could be standing for a certain group of pilots. Similar to B1 droid. It is a single droids, that supposed to give the impression that there are hundreds like him just behind the edge of the screen.
Thus you "Resistance Pilot" would be used as crew for not only the Resistance X-Wing,but additionally for Resistance A- and Y-wings, too.
Two simple reasons:
1. you Open design Space without adding a plethora of "useless" pilot characters.
2. There would be an incentive to farm and gear a more or less underwhelming B- or even C-team toon, as he/she/it would boost like 3 ships, making it worthwhile.
Through that, you‘d really be new-player friendly, as they can farm a single toon gear it and having a ready to go starter toon and three potential iconic "non-hero/unnamed" ships are your disposal.
I don‘t ask for let‘s say:
Rebel X-wing, Y-wing and A-wing to outperform a hero-driven ship like... let‘s say Kylo Ren‘s Silencer. But they could be useful for starters and might lead to faction battle events. Say for example Galactic Empire vs Rebels style, in which only mentioned factions are allowed to participate. Ground and ships...
Powers could be added to give bonuses as leaders for these factions as newer ships too. Let‘s take Anakins ETA for example, boosting his OR allies... *shrugs*