Forum Discussion

chubbyape414's avatar
7 years ago

Daka's zeta is useless now

devs, I have poured valuable time and money into building my NS team so that I can help my guild defeat the Heroic Sith Raid. I have recently given Daka the zeta so that I can stack more bonds of weakness, consequently increasing everyone's damage output. This Zeta is now USELESS. All I ask is that I be rewarded some form of compensation as you have made my zeta on Daka a complete waste.

  • They could potentially make all the energy, gear, crystals and zetas you used on your NSs a waste.
  • I'm just trying to determine exactly why it has made her useless. They have not announced any change to zombie yet. We also do not know what the change will be and they've said they'll try to mimic the paper zombie aspect to some degree in a geared up zombie. The nerf was to reduce the effectiveness of the Critolyte strategy.

    If anything, this nerf has hurt all healers against Traya as they will no longer gain a Heal over Time buff if the stack is above 20.
  • crzydroid's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    "DaPowerfulJedi;c-1610725" wrote:
    They’re going to refund everyone’s Daka zeta.

    This. Announcement was recently made: