A devastating attacker, who punishes teams with debuffs, and uses debuffs to give himself more power.
Basic- (Focused Slash) Deal physical damage to enemy, and for each debuff on Maul this attack deals 10% more damage.
Special- (Hatred) Grant all scoundrel allies accuracy down for 2 turns, and offense up, critical chance up, and advantage up for 2 turns. Maul gains 15% more damage for each scoundrel ally until the next time he attacks.
Special- (Ferocious Throw) Deal Physical damage to all enemies, for each critically hit enemy he inflicts buff immunity on them for 2 turns. This attack deals 25% more damage if Maul is Debuffed, and 50% more if the enemy is buffed.
Leader- (Undisciplined Anger) All scoundrel allies have +35 speed, but 10% less accuracy. All scoundrel allies gain 10% offense stacking for each debuff that is on them. Then after they use there next turn they lose this offense bonus and lose all debuffs on them. When a scoundrel ally is inflicted with a debuff he heals 10% max health and 5%max protection.
Unique- (Revenge) Darth Maul +20% offense, critical damage, and critical chance. If Darth Maul is attacking a Sith enemy he has +50% health steal, 5% less accuracy, and +20% damage. Whenever another ally dies Maul gains 100% turn meter and +200% damage for his next attack.
I'm going to be honest with you. I do like the idea, but the kit itself is a bit disappointing. Lets start with his lead. the theme seems to be that they becomes stronger the more debuffs they have on them. However, there are few major problems with that. Firstly, that that is the same theme as the Sith Empire. Darth Revan's lead basically does the same thing (only better). Second, it's ridiculously easy to counter. Since the debuff only last 1 turn and the dispel in the lead happens after the turn Stun will completely destroy any advantage the lead would have given. Thou there is the healing. That is pretty ok. Thou the low protection recovery pretty much destroys it. I mean, Qi'ra gan grant Health Steal Up o her unique and Canderous gains passive Health steal. Overall Health Recovery is something the Scoundrel faction already has plenty of. The only consistent Protection recovery they have is Qi'ra's lead, which is obviously not going to help when Maul is in the lead. Second that bothers me are the names of the abilities. I mean, 4 of them have Have themes in them. I mean I know Maul was a pretty Hate filled guy but that was far from all he had. He was far more cunning that just explode in anger. So that is a bit disappointing to me. Third, his unique grants him bonuses when an ally dies. The problem with the bonuses when they dies is that there is nothing in his kit that makes it harder to kill him than his allies or forces you to target his allies. So it's really easy to avoid that and kill him first. Not to mention the bonus is essentially his next turn is now ans supercharged. Which would be fine if all his abilities dealt damage. But there is hatred, which deals no damage. Practically destroying that synergy. Not to mention being evaded. Which completely destroys any advantage this would have given. But what bothers me the most in this idea is all the reduced accuracy. IF you are taking a certain stat away,there has to be a reason for it. So when I saw the reduced accuracy, I was expecting some effect when Maul and allies where evaded. But there is nothing. Nothing at all. So just random accuracy reduction to reduce the teams strength. Nothing else. This is the most disappointing thing in this kit by far. Why do that if there is no reason for it at all? Just making the team weak on purpose? For a normal character this would already be bad, but since you clarified that he is a 145 shard event unlock, he would become the weakest legendary in the game by far. So to sum it up: His theme is too much like an already existing legendary, the names focus too much on just 1 aspect of the character, his unique doesn't synergise with the rest of his kit, and his accuracy down has no reason in the kit. Address these issues and he can be a pretty good character. Luckily I like to do rework and kit idea's and therefore have an idea of myself for this character. it's a first draft thou, but you might get some idea's out of it. (I put it in a spoiler tag for easier reading) Anyway, I suggest this: Darth Maul (gangster)
Dark Side, Attacker, Scoundrel, Sith, Leader Ferocious attacker that uses Evasion and Critical Hits to devastate his enemies.
Focused Slash (Basic) Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. On a Critical Hit, also Blind them for 1 turn. This attack deals 10% more damage for each status effect on the target.
Pulling The Strings (Special) (Cooldown: 4 turns) All units gain Accuracy Down and Evasion Up for 2 turns, which can’t be Evaded or Prevented. Then deal Physical damage to the weakest enemy (ignoring Stealth and Taunt) and call all other Scoundrel allies to assist.
Ferocious Throw (Special) (Cooldown: 4 turns) Deal Physical damage to all enemies, dealing 50% more damage to buffed enemies. Inflict Armour Shred on all Critically Hit enemies. All enemies that weren’t Critically Hit become Vulnerable for 2 turns, which can’t be Evaded.
Shadow Leader of Crimson Dawn (Leader)(Zeta) All Scoundrel allies gain +35 Speed and +35% Evasion, and recover 15% Protection whenever they evade an attack. At the start of their turn, Scoundrel allies dispel all debuffs from themselves and gain +2% Offence, +2% Potency, and +2% Critical Damage (stacking) until the end of battle for each effect dispelled this way.
Vengeance (Unique)(Zeta) All units have -35% Accuracy. In addition, Maul gains +10% Evasion for each active other Scoundrel ally. Whenever a Scoundrel ally is Evaded, they gain 35% Turn Meter, 5 Damage Over Time effects, and the Vengeance unique effect for 1 turn. Whenever another Scoundrel ally is defeated, Maul resets his cooldowns, gains the Vengeance unique effect for 1 turn, and takes an immediate bonus turn. Vengeance: This units attacks can’t be Evaded and are guaranteed to Critically Hit, regardless of any immunities.
Edit: changed the basic. Realized it didn't really sinergise with the rest and came up with a better version.
this is just an idea from me thou. Like the idea of this character in the game for sure. The Scoundrels (especially dark side) could use it.