Forum Discussion

DarkKnight71110's avatar
5 years ago

Darth Sidious- Rework Kit ( My Ideas )

Darth Sidious
Dark Side, Leader, Sith, Separtist, Attacker
A Powerful character who becomes more powerful by himself.

Seriously where is the Sidious we remember here...

Basic- Focused Anger- Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Health down, and 1 damage over time effect.

Special- Effortless Strike- Deal Physical damage to target enemy and 2 other random enemies, inflict 2 damage over time effects and on critical hit also inflict stagger.

Special- Revenge- All allies gain critical damage up, and advantage for 2 turns. For each separtist and sith ally all allies gain 15% turn meter. If Sidious is in leader slot he gains 100% turn meter and resets his cooldowns by 1.

Leader- Rule of Two!- If there are is only 2 sith allies on your squad, then they gain advantage whenever they attack. Also they have accuracy up and critical damage up for 2 turns at start of match.

All Separtist allies, gain 50% max protection, and recover 10% protection on critical hit. In addition all separtist allies gain 10% turn meter when they inflict a debuff.

Unique- Solo power- If Sidious is last person alive on his squad, then he gains 100% more max offense, and gains +50% health steal.
  • nice video, i love that episode of clone wars, thanks for feedback, I understand if u think it sucks, I wasnt trying to make a new meta, just a new kit.
  • "Ichiraikou;c-2093491" wrote:
    "DARTH_KARRE;c-2093486" wrote:
    nice video, i love that episode of clone wars, thanks for feedback, I understand if u think it sucks, I wasnt trying to make a new meta, just a new kit.

    That's fair.
    In my version I wasn't trying to create a new meta either. I designed him to excell in territory battle and raids. (Aka long battles).

    interesting thats cool idea
  • Quick warning: You are going to hate me. But for the sake of my believes and for the character, I'm more than willing to be the villain. I don't like this rework idea at all. I don't think it's an improvement over what we now have and I don't think it a good representation of Darth Sidious.
    Lets start with my personal opinion on the character. I really don't think this is a good representation of the Sadistic master of manipulation. The names of all abilities feel more genetic for Sith warriors in general, rather than specific characteristic or skills of Sidious himself. Especially the new special, revenge, makes no sense to me. Sidious doesn't have a reason for vengeance against anyone during the clone wars. More like everyone has a reason for revenge against him. The effects of all abilities also don't seem like a good reflection of the character either. Since you took a shot form on of his best duels, I'm recommending this video breakdown of that specific fight to you in the hope that you see what I mean. (seriously that is 10 min of your life you will not regret.... ok 9 min you won't and 1 min of sponsorship)
    Second the kit itself. It also isn't that good. His old basic had healing immunity (on of the most powerful debuffs in the entire game) at 3 turns (one of the longest durations in the entire game) plus a chance to ignore defence. It just screams kill. His special also uses expose and multiple damage over time effects to kill enemies. Thou those effects have become pretty dated over time. Your version has Health down (one of , if not the, weakest debuffs in the game) and a single DoT. His first special does have some nice effects, but hits less enemies overall. Not the worst thou. But then we get to his second special, leadership and unique. And this is where things really start to fall apart. Sidious has one of the lowest combination of health, protection and defence in the game. He's not that strong of a survivor. Yet his unique only works if he's the only one left, which due to his low survivability, and the existence of AOE attacks, is pretty much guaranteed to never activate. It's condition is too strict. Even when the effect is active, his Revenge special doesn't use any of it's effects at all. It gets even worse when that special can give him Advantage, despite the fact that the lead can do that as well. Which is literally stacking the same thing pointlessly onto the same thing. Not to mention that Dooku, the character he is obviously supposed to synergise with, already has protection recovery for himself. So he doesn't fully synergise with that lead. These small details end up breaking the synergy of the kit. Reducing his viability massively. Ultimately I have to say this feels more like a downgrade than an upgrade. Thou I will admit that the fact it doesn't have anything about Sidious' sadistic nature or masterful manipulation in it's names and effects bothers me the most. It feels less like Darth Sidious and more like a generic Sith warrior.
    I did do a rework idea of Darth Sidious myself a while ago. The link to it is in my Darth maul and savage opress rework idea and I believe I have asked you before whether you have seen it, but I guess you haven't. You can find it here, if you're interested: I will also appologise for having to take the role of villain in my feedback. But Sidious is one of my favorite characters, so I wish him to be done right. Not to mention by giving feedback I'm hoping you and your kit making skills will grow as well. For those causes I will gladly paint myself as a villain.
  • "DARTH_KARRE;c-2093486" wrote:
    nice video, i love that episode of clone wars, thanks for feedback, I understand if u think it sucks, I wasnt trying to make a new meta, just a new kit.

    That's fair.
    In my version I wasn't trying to create a new meta either. I designed him to excell in territory battle and raids. (Aka long battles).