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TheIanator01's avatar
6 years ago

Darth Sidious Rework

Darth Sidious Rework

Tags: Add the Separatist tag

(Basic) Deathstroke: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity and Heal Immunity for 2 turns. This attack ignores defense.

(Special) Demoralizing Blows: Deal Physical damage to all enemies, dispel all buffs on them and inflict Damage Over Time and Expose them for 2 turns. If this attack critically hits, call 2 random Sith or Separatist allies to attack the target enemy. Each assisting ally inflicts 2 Damage Over Time effects for 2 turns, which cannot be resisted. This ability cannot be evaded. (4 turns)

(Leader) Unlimited Power: Sith and Separatist allies have +30% Critical Chance and +30% Critical Damage. Sith and Separatist allies gain 5% Offense for each debuff on the enemy team.

(Unique) Sadistic Glee: Darth Sidious has +50% Max Health and Potency and recovers 20% of the Max Health of the ally in the Leader slot(including himself) and gains 50% turn meter whenever any unit is defeated. Additionally, he gains Foresight for 1 turn at the beginning of the encounter and after each of his turns and gains Offense equal to half his Potency percentage.
  • "TheIanator;d-214784" wrote:
    Darth Sidious Rework
    Tags: Add the Separatist tag

    He's not a Separatist any more than he is Galactic Republic (and he is the head of state for the GR!).

    He's a Sith. His sole goals are to destroy the Jedi and consolidate power for himself. The Separatists and the Galactic Republic are merely merely tools to his ends.
  • Overall not a bad rework idea. Thou there are some things that bother me.
    "TheIanator;d-214784" wrote:

    (Basic) Deathstroke: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity and Heal Immunity for 2 turns. This attack ignores defense.

    This looks like a stronger version of Jedi Knight Anakin's basic. Which I find rather weird. Also the duration's have been reduced. The old one had 3 turns of Healing Immunity. Which definitely helped made it stand out.

    (Special) Demoralizing Blows: Deal Physical damage to all enemies, dispel all buffs on them and inflict Damage Over Time and Expose them for 2 turns. If this attack critically hits, call 2 random Sith or Separatist allies to attack the target enemy. Each assisting ally inflicts 2 Damage Over Time effects for 2 turns, which cannot be resisted. This ability cannot be evaded. (4 turns)

    Overall not bad. But the assists are a bit weird. It is an AOE ability, yet it calls assists on target enemy? Seems to beat the purpose of an AOE ability if you ask me. Other than that thou it's not bad.

    (Leader) Unlimited Power: Sith and Separatist allies have +30% Critical Chance and +30% Critical Damage. Sith and Separatist allies gain 5% Offense for each debuff on the enemy team.
    This is definitely more reliable than the old one, but it also has less potential. The old one could stack up offence to infinity if you wanted to. Guess there are pro's and cons to each version.

    (Unique) Sadistic Glee: Darth Sidious has +50% Max Health and Potency and recovers 20% of the Max Health of the ally in the Leader slot(including himself) and gains 50% turn meter whenever any unit is defeated. Additionally, he gains Foresight for 1 turn at the beginning of the encounter and after each of his turns and gains Offense equal to half his Potency percentage.

    Not bad either, but again the old one feels like t gives him much more survivability, which is something he definitely needed. This one is more Offence focused. That doesn't make up for the offence loss of the lead thou. As that is for all Sith allies and this one is only for him. But as is with his lead, there are pro's and con's to each version. So guess it just comes down to preference.

    I did a Rework idea for Darth Sidious myself a while ago. Check it out, if you're interested:

  • "Jesus_Christ;c-1971597" wrote:
    Good idea but he’s not a separatist. He’s in the same position darth maul is. It would be basically like giving maul the separatist tag even though he only works with them slightly

    Let's look at the Separatist leaders that we know directly reported to him and took commands from him in their capacity as Separatists that we already have in-game: Poggle the Lesser, Count Dooku, General Grievous, Asajj Ventress, Nute Gunray... At a certain point even the Jedi know that Sidious is the name of the person really in charge of the Separatists, they just don't know it's Palpatine. Yoda has a vision where he sees Sidious in the robes and fights him - the same exact rendering of the character that we have in-game.

    His existence is not secret to the other Separatist leaders, his status as their leader is only secret to the rest of the galaxy. The fact that the Separatist cause is a front for the Sith Grand Plan does not disqualify him, if it did, it would disqualify Dooku as well - who is in on that plan. Both Sidious and Dooku are acknowledged within the Separatist leadership to be the first and second leaders respectively, both are insincere Separatists at the same time. Both should get the tag.
  • "ScummerAntilles;c-1976080" wrote:
    "Jesus_Christ;c-1971597" wrote:
    Good idea but he’s not a separatist. He’s in the same position darth maul is. It would be basically like giving maul the separatist tag even though he only works with them slightly

    Let's look at the Separatist leaders that we know directly reported to him and took commands from him in their capacity as Separatists that we already have in-game: Poggle the Lesser, Count Dooku, General Grievous, Asajj Ventress, Nute Gunray... At a certain point even the Jedi know that Sidious is the name of the person really in charge of the Separatists, they just don't know it's Palpatine. Yoda has a vision where he sees Sidious in the robes and fights him - the same exact rendering of the character that we have in-game.

    His existence is not secret to the other Separatist leaders, his status as their leader is only secret to the rest of the galaxy. The fact that the Separatist cause is a front for the Sith Grand Plan does not disqualify him, if it did, it would disqualify Dooku as well - who is in on that plan. Both Sidious and Dooku are acknowledged within the Separatist leadership to be the first and second leaders respectively, both are insincere Separatists at the same time. Both should get the tag.

    Well, Sidious was more of a Separatist than Jango was and he got the tag.