"MightyWizard;c-1969041" wrote:
Anakin led the 501st for nearly a decade before he broke bad. It should be clone wars General Skywalker, not this "fallen anakin" everyone is going on about. Give Vader a touch up instead.
No he didn't. The Clone Wars were only 3 years long.
And that is assuming he took command of the 501st as soon as they started.
We already have "Clone Wars General Skywalker".
His name is Jedi Knight Anakin.
Jedi Knights were Generals in the Clone Wars.
Not that I want a "Darth Anakin" either.
I basically just don't want another Anakin.
We have 2. 1 Good, 1 Bad (In Armor).
I really don't need a 2nd Good one or a Bad one pre-BBQ.
But that's my 2-cents.
I'd rather we get something else like Hondo or Trench or Droid Tri-Fighter