"starkiller_1_SoC;c-1969112" wrote:
The problem for me here is that JKA is General Anakin. There really is no moment on screen when the two are not one in the same. Attack of Clones has Padewan Anakin and by the Revenge of the Sith he is already General Skywalker then Vader. Clone wars cartoon (the cannon one) already has him as General Skywalker except possibly the very first episodes but certainly within season one. All jedi Knights were it seems generals and all padewan were commanders from memory. It really wouldn’t make sense to have exactly the same character twice.
Worth that Plo Koon was one of the most prominent characters commanding Clones and also has Ashoka connection. Finally as a dark side to be won Pon Krell would be pretty great.
The Anakin in game is the movie version and General Anakin would be the animated version. Big enough difference for me-