Why is the support being so difficult for a guild name change?
We fusioned with one of our sister guilds , and now we find out that support can't change , we wanted to get a new name ,we decided on NOVA , we did this before it's nothing new, contact support and get it changed.
After 2 weeks of back and forth between support and our guild master they finally decide to tell us ....that the name is banned .
We already announced our new guild in the French community , and redesigned our entire discord channels based on that name.
Now we must go through the process of making a new guild , but fun stuff, if you try to add 'special symbols' it will just show as '?' .
I don't understand why is support being so inept and slow, this isn't the first time we do this,we did it back in 2019 too , only then , there was a direct telephone line to call, but since EA decided to cut support jobs back in 2023, no more telephone line to EA support.
This whole experience has been awfull , as now we must either stuck with the old name and not be coherent to the community we represent , or switch guilds and take a 2-3 week delay because of raid lock ,not even talking about the logistics behind it to make everyone move ,again.