Forum Discussion

Jefferx_CAN's avatar
Rising Newcomer
5 years ago

December GAC history, reporting hacker

Once a GAC week is finished, you can’t report in game a hacker. I was checking December GAC history in to see if everything unusual happens and learning from 3v3 counter. I find this on his last battle for the win.... now how do I report this? Forum message to luciferdaddy ? Or there is another way?

  • How to report a cheater:
    Report A Potential Cheater: If you want to report a potential cheater, please send a message to @CG_Lucifer'sDaddy with details on why you think someone is cheating and your ally code plus the ally code and name of the suspected cheater.


    "CG_SBCrumb;d-211095" wrote:
    Hi Holotable Heroes,

    We’ve seen a lot of conversation today in response to some videos that were posted to YouTube in the last day highlighting a way to cheat in the game. These videos are a violation of the User Agreement (which everyone agrees to by playing the game), and we’d like to remind the community that cheating and violations of the User Agreement can result in suspension or a permanent ban.

    As we’ve discussed before, and especially heading into Grand Arena Championships, providing a fair and fun environment for competitive play is fundamental to ensuring players can experience and enjoy the game.

    We announced a series of efforts to root out cheaters prior to the launch of Grand Arena Championship:

    • Increased surveillance of leaderboard and battle data
    • A zero tolerance policy for those identified as cheaters
    • A new suite of data points and detection tools
    • Additional team member hours allocated to the detection and eradication efforts

    Since the launch of Grand Arena Championships, we’ve received many reports of cheating from players. While it’s our policy to not share details related to actions taken against specific cheaters, these efforts - and your reports - have led to a 30% increase in the volume of cheaters detected and ultimately banned. At the same time, we’ve also tightened our policy around cheating, so while non-cheating (Language, Abuse, Harassment, etc) cases are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, all confirmed cheaters are perma-banned.

    We aren't the first online game to deal with cheating, and we have been working with our partners - inside and outside - the studio to determine how we can do more to address this issue. While we can’t share details as we don't want to broadcast our plans to cheaters and exploiters, we are tackling this problem from all sides.

    We will continue to work diligently to detect, prevent, and eliminate cheaters as a top priority. But this is an on-going game of cat and mouse - and we need your help to identify cheaters and exploits in the wild.

    Ways to Report a Cheater
    You can report a player directly from the game if you suspect a cheater while playing or on the forums.

    Report Players on the Forums
    Here on the forums, please be sure to report any and all suspicious behavior directly to CG_Lucifersdaddy. We investigate all actionable reports of cheating and wherever possible, we will attempt to rectify any impact to players who report, and are found to be affected by, cheating, so that they can continue to enjoy themselves and achieve their best results. If possible, providing screenshots or video of your experience can significantly help in the investigation.

    Report Players In-Game

  • Tap on a player to bring up their profile from Chat or Guild/Ally rosters or invites.
  • Tap Mute/Report.
  • Choose the Report Category: Offensive Language, Offensive Name, or Cheating.
  • Tap Confirm and then Report

