"tjbear;69541" wrote:
Are you going to be nerfing anyone in the upcoming update in February? If so/not tell us your thoughts on why! Just curious since so many noobs asking to nerf Poe.. Honestly there are so many babies complaining about lots of different people about they are so op.. but they just work well in certain synergies. Personally i hope you don't nerf anyone because as of right now I think you guys have done a really good job on character balances and the different synergies so many different characters have!
'But they just work well in certain synergies.....' Yeah because like in the movies (and the lore) Poe and Geonosian Soldier do have great synergy, they are like best friends, Poe acctually hates his resistance comrades in battle, he prefers to hang out with his Geonosian best buddy. Really good synergy development indeed...... In the current meta everbody teams up Poe with Geonosian instead of e.g. Resistance Trooper, now tell me where you see the synergy?
Matter of fact: There are no real synergies between factions, strong solo characters are better than any team/faction synergy. Which in my opinion is wrong.
As for the question: Will the development team be making any effort in increasing the buffs for team synergies? Currently there are hardly any synergy teams, because its not worthwhile. Most seen are Droid Synergies, and some Rebel and some Nightsister, but it is like 1 or 2 % of the entire Arena roster. Making it easier to create and harvest certain teams will be nice too, but I think that will be just a matter of time.