Forum Discussion

ingolmofealoke's avatar
8 years ago

Difference between "battle" and "encounter"

Is there any difference between "battle" and "encounter"? Why im asking...

I had an idea to improve my rancor raid team, not to only auto and solo rancor but also to do it in the shortest time period as possible to save me as much time as possible. So i decided to use characters with stacking abilities. Yet there are just two of them... darth sidious and Luke Skywalker (farmboy).
Whats the point? They have different descriptions, sid is stacking until the end of battle while farmboy is stacking til the end of encounter.
So which one will fit better? Would "battle" stacking ends until single phase and "encounter" works for whole raid or its reversal? Or is it just a wordplay and both words describe the same? And if so in whole raid context or in the phaseone?
Thank you for answer
  • Encounter is one stage within a battle. Battle is all the stages within it. So Sidious' offense up stacks and persists.
  • "NicWester;c-1224384" wrote:
    Encounter is one stage within a battle. Battle is all the stages within it. So Sidious' offense up stacks and persists.

    I tested it couple minutes ago and sids stacks are not transfered interphasely, is that a bug then?
  • I think those terms are used interchangably. My guess is they used to say "end/start of each battle", but more recent characters and reworks say "encounter" because of the phases of battles which are more plentiful with the raids.

    Unless you have an example where end/start of battle lasts across phases?
  • I tried using Sid lead with maul in Rancor for fun. His stacking 2% offence definitely does not transfer between phases. Started each phase with maul critting around 10k, ended each phase about 45k. Was fun to see the damage numbers but disappointing that it didn't last.
  • "Dretzle;c-1224463" wrote:
    Unless you have an example where end/start of battle lasts across phases?

    Actually i have... Boba's mandalorian resoult... If he lose that reviving status effect at the end of the phase he does not start with the newone in next phase.
    So probably we can't say that "encounter" is just an updated term for previously used "battle"...
  • Encounters are phases of a battle. Logic behind this thought is based on Han Solo unique with taking a turn at the start of each encounter of a battle. Not sure how that would affect stacking stats
  • "feälóke;c-1224509" wrote:
    "Dretzle;c-1224463" wrote:
    Unless you have an example where end/start of battle lasts across phases?

    Actually i have... Boba's mandalorian resoult... If he lose that reviving status effect at the end of the phase he does not start with the newone in next phase.
    So probably we can't say that "encounter" is just an updated term for previously used "battle"...

    That solidifies it for me. Sid is either a bug or misworded.