Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Newcomer
6 years ago

Difficulty of relic farming

As of now I've managed to relic jedi revan and master yoda to 3 but how much does the difficulty of relic farming become past level 3? Considering that the first 3 stages were relatively easy with farming the stuff from cantina battles but considering the impact that this relic system is supposed to have I doubt it will stay much easier. I mean heck this is easier to finish than farming for the final gear to reach gear level 13.
  • "Coolnessda;d-214377" wrote:
    As of now I've managed to relic jedi revan and master yoda to 3 but how much does the difficulty of relic farming become past level 3? Considering that the first 3 stages were relatively easy with farming the stuff from cantina battles but considering the impact that this relic system is supposed to have I doubt it will stay much easier. I mean heck this is easier to finish than farming for the final gear to reach gear level 13.

    Just you wait.
  • Tier 5 you need raid-specific or bottleneck gear, plus 3 different Cantina node farms. It's the first real slowdown.
  • I recently just got my 1st relic to 4, and here’s what I see when I did:
    Whoever said that relics were ftp friendly is smoking something serious!!! It’s obviously NOT ftp friendly
  • "JDIII;c-1966737" wrote:
    I recently just got my 1st relic to 4, and here’s what I see when I did:
    Whoever said that relics were ftp friendly is smoking something serious!!! It’s obviously NOT ftp friendly

    Ahh, stop whining and complaining! Read the dev news better!

    Here this is from the devs announcment:
    ...for most longtime players, Relic Levels 1-3 upgrade requirements are going to be very light, and Relic Levels 4-7 are going to be challenging and require higher-tier gear. Longtime players are very likely to have all the gear and Signal Data they need to make upgrades 1-3 within a few days of getting a character to G13. We are aware of how challenging & momentous it is to take a character to G13, and our intent here is to make sure that the hard work of getting to G13 is further rewarded. After that initial rush of power from a relic, the costly further upgrades are there to prepare characters for elite endgame PvP & PvE fights – including upcoming content.

    ...they never said its f2p friendly!
  • "Daddyngo007;c-1966652" wrote:
    Nothing is difficult in this game if you’re prepared to pay for it!

    Or willing to let it take time.

    Things not being immediately doable, doesnt have anything to do with F2P friendly or not. This game is a marathon and things take time. Yes you can $$ to make that time go faster.

    All the materials, up to r4 are easily attainable and cost nothing. Will a player have to make choices, yes, that is the resource management back bone of this game showing through. Are the choices needed to go to r7 harder, absolutely, that is setting up for the current 'end game'.

    "JDIII;c-1966737" wrote:
    I recently just got my 1st relic to 4, and here’s what I see when I did:
    Whoever said that relics were ftp friendly is smoking something serious!!! It’s obviously NOT ftp friendly

    With a focused effort, that is less than 2 weeks of farming, no $$ required. That sounds much more friendly than other farms we are given.

    As always the first release of anything gear related is very restricted, this will all be made more available as time goes on.
    Unlike gear, r3-r4 are viable against r6-r7. There is not as much disparity as g9-g10 vs g12-g13.

    If anything is going to be said about relics, I think it should be not that relics are not easy to get, but that the g13 wall (or the path to g13) to get to them should have been made easier first.