Forum Discussion

77932b9b4ced5805's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 months ago


I'm so over this game now, this new update is ridiculous. Fleet arena is a complete joke, 3 stars ship that can constantly destroyed 7 stars ship on the first turn. The RNG is completely off, in my area my 7 stars Punishing One gets targeted first constantly and destroyed on the first turn by less powerful ships, characters and mods I literally cannot get a turn.

Ppl who farmed capital ship for months, gets instantly killed by ONE lousy ship given away for free. It served no purpose again to farm that ship to 7 stars, this was a complete waste of time and Money, releasing that ship the day I finally get my leviathan was just my luck again. I see NO PURPOSE TO KEEP PLAYING THIS GAME AT THIS POINT, GC JUST ISSUED A BIG FU TO SO MANY PLAYERS. You would think they would test it before releasing something new but after that many years they still haven't learn. 




  • So which is the truth? It destroys all fleets easily or it gets targetted first and cannot get a turn?

    • EyiSalinas's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      So, do you actually have the ship and team to run that comp?

      If you do, you would notice that you can win against EVERY other fleet even with a just unlocked 3 stars ship, which is probably the worst thing that can happen for people who has been sweating to get profundity and leviathan (fleets superior to executor both in performance and requirements) ... thats first

      second, obviously theres something bugged or not working as intended but it doesnt matter which executor goes first always the enemy Punishing One is on stealth so you cant target it while yours is there on the open, getting destroyed in first volley for some people, i have a 7stars P1 with a relic 9 dengar so i dont even get scratched in that opening, but **bleep** is not WAI since the stealth is always resolving on gettin enemy P1 with stealth

      • hsv216's avatar
        Rising Traveler

        I do agree.  The issue is that if you have a faster Punishing one than your enemy, you steal stealth from XB, and then the enemy Punishing one steals stealth from your punishing one.  This is just bad coding, unless it is intended that you don't upgrade your P1 so that you can win in a P1 mirror.

        CG_Meatheadis it intended that a lower gear, aka. slower punishing one can steal stealth from a faster punishing one?

  • First of all you’re acting like ships is the lifeblood of the game. This happens a lot. Second, you contradicted yourself so idk what this post is really trying to say

    • B3n1M4n0-HUN's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      well... if you don't know why he is so irritated by this then you are probably don't know why Fleet Arena is so important, or you are a lucky one who has no problems cause have all the counters needed. There are many players who went for Prof instead of Exec at start spending much time and money and they got really Punished. CG should admit this was not a good move and try to rebalance this part of the game again. (it was well balanced before P1 arrived)

      • Kyle04_6886's avatar
        Rising Rookie

        It’s the next new thing why is everyone acting like this is somehow totally different? With all respect of course, but that’s like saying hey we grinded for third sister just to get countered by Phoenix just by adding rex. I understand why fleet arena is important but this happens literally all the time. If the release of leviathan wasn’t so rough it also would’ve been easy to see that all that time getting prof was trumped by levi too

  • I mean we farmed the executor for month to be weak compared to profundity or sith ship. So yeah having a lifter is great. Unbeatable hell no my 6 star still love to Leviathan ship so rng is still a thing. 

    It was brand new ... Like any other team it require tike to find counter . 

    • B3n1M4n0-HUN's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      No lifter was needed... Exec was able to counter bot Prof and Levi...

      • MockingMax's avatar
        New Traveler

        hmm i dont agree, without rng executor was left in the dust most of the time. 

    • EyiSalinas's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      because executor requirements are meaningless compared to prof or levi requirements, prof  requires toons that arent good at all if your in the point where you have to decide wether prof or executor, while executor nedds toons you already farmed for chewbacca and strong ones + ships needed in previous fleets... in the other hand leviathan's reqs are stupid compared 


  • Has the buff for Tie Dagger happened already and I missed it? Any Levi fleet with it is doing just fine against my 6 star PO. If it has happened, fine. If not, do we still need to buff Dagger which might affect the meta more? 

  • I get it that the post is contradictory, but many people here only use English as a 2nd or 3rd language. I'm willing to give the poster the benefit of the doubt. 

    That said, I've been able to beat P1/Exec even with Sith Fighter in my starting lineup (in the first day or two before it was known that TIE Dagger would be more consistent). My Levi has never lost to P1, though a couple battles with SF as a starter got extremely sketchy. 

    Given that Levi has been out a while, it's my opinion that it's fine for the meta to be shaken up. My concern is more with the Profundity. While I'm not saying that Profundity couldn't beat Levi, it was not a counter and did not perform well. You were never going to get 100% wins with that. Now P1/Exec is designed to counter Profundity and that leaves Pro as a supposedly tip-of-the-spear ship without the ability to consistently beat anyone other than itself. 

    A 3 fleet meta would be fine, but as it is Pro is getting squeezed out despite being of comparable investment. That needs to change soon. Not immediately, but soon. 

  • xpac21's avatar
    Rising Novice

    this is exactly right...this ship was not needed at actually accomplishes what they did not intend, which is that now i can beat leviathans with ease...but mirror matches are absolutely impossible, mostly because the opposing p1 always starts with the stealth, never your own...especially lower star execs have no chance to beat higher ones...which was not the case before...every ship could beat every other ship, for the most part (which is how it should be)...which has now been they have some options here, they could fix the unique to stop the defense from always having the advantage...they could nerf not only the unique but other abilities of it as well...or they could do the smart thing, which is remove it altogether, and go back to the way things were...for the last 8 months since i got my exec i had looked forward to doing my fleet battles every night...i do not look forward to it now, as this has ruined the game completely

    • hsv216's avatar
      Rising Traveler

      I mentioned this above and have filed a bug report, as I cannot imagine it is working as intended in a mirror match.  If your punishing one is faster (i.e. more investiment in stars, dengar and his relic levels and gear) than the enemy, you go and steal stealth from their xanadu blood, and then their punishing one immediately steals it from you.  They then go all out on your now unstealthed punishing one and you lose.  You cannot target their punishing one because it is under stealth.

      • xpac21's avatar
        Rising Novice

        you might think that should be the case, but i have ran mirror matches where my p1 was slower, and faster, and the opp p1 gets stealth EVERY SINGLE TIME REGARDLESS OF SPEEDS so something is not working as intended, or there is some other factor involved that they are not telling us that determines it

  • I agree this is a big F U to all the players who spend countless hours/materials to get the profundity only to now have an almost useless tier 5 ship. Yea it can beat lower tiered ships, but it shouldn't be able to beat profundity which so many players focused getting for the sole purpose of beating executor.