Forum Discussion

starwarsrevan07's avatar
Seasoned Novice
2 months ago


Dear CG,

You’ve made a lot of bad decisions throughout my 3 years playing this game. But you have finally ruined it. 

Fleets are ruined and you refuse to acknowledge it. Galactic challenges are useless and you refuse to acknowledge it. Game balance is ruined and you refuse to acknowledge it. 

I was drawn to this game for the collecting, and yet I can’t do that without your stupid money sucking. You said the new update would be FTP friendly, yet you make 2 of the 4 GC feats only doable by spending. 

good bye CG and your game. I wish I could stay but you’ve ruined it all this year. 

To any players, hope ya can forgive the rant. God bless if you keep playing. Your community was what kept me around this long. Keep being great people!

  • DarthJobbie's avatar
    Rising Adventurer


    GCs are not ruined, there is just a different set of aims and rewards over a period of time.  Fleets and arena have always been subject to meta changes and as a player of 3 years, believe me, those who have played for over 5 or 6 years have seen more frustrating changes,

    I do agree, that the game or EA* have got really greedy but as a community we have to accept some blame here, people pay the neverending ahnald or hotutils who then max new toons right away and blatantly state kyros aren't an issue.  For 90% of us, yes they are, for newer people mk3 gear is probably difficult too. there's the age old argument, move on to a guild that does more, but would even the more basic guilds accept interaction over GP?  Not sure.  There is a whole mix of issues from repetitive game play, raids, gear economy and selling.  Any pack that has a % chance should be binned, thats gambling and the game has kind of got away with it in some countries but this new paywall reward track is pushing people out of the game.

    • fitz1j's avatar
      Seasoned Rookie

       The "meta" is now a coin flip.  Fleets is a frustrating mess right now, not game play. I have played since almost the beginning and this is the most frustrating thing I've seen in the game.

  • Entoniiii's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    Since GAC was introduced, CG hasn't been able to write an algorithm that sorts by skill rating and GP. After 8 months in Kyber, despite playing for 2 years, they have literally pushed me out of Kyber because, for the last 3 months, there hasn't been a single account under 10M GP in the bracket compared to my 7.5M.


    • TheRealEbiSan's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      And if you go look at the leaderboards, there are still multiple accounts in Kyber 1 that have between 2M GP and 5M GP because they can't figure out how to write it properly to keep those people out of there that shouldn't be there at all.

  • Entoniiii's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    I used to be a spender, but I have no intention of spending even 1 cent on this garbage anymore. I love Star Wars, and that's the only reason I keep playing. I wish the community could agree on a protest so we could see what would happen, but some individuals care more about their status than the collective. That's the kind of world we live in.



  • DarthJobbie's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    GAC is NEVER going to fit anyone and everyone, im at 10m GP but have been beaten easily 7m GPs because somehow thety have managed to get the most recent toons without journey guide.....its part and parcel of the game stop feeling cheated because someone beats you, i hate gac and always get pushed back to up to say k3 but i hardly try and end up going down, i do my 10 pointrs and couldnt care less, playing others at different GP levels doesnt equal caring about the gac competition,

    On one note, i always say good on you for trying and earning your way up but there are others who dont care on the way down and we meet.

    • Entoniiii's avatar
      Rising Traveler

      It's not fair that people, just because they've been playing twice as long (or more), have 200 more Zetas and bad mods, are considered better.I t's like putting Mike Tyson (prime) in a fight against a 15-year-old kid. Where's the fairness in that?

      I could beat some of 10m but not enough. I had fair matchups earlier but in the last 3 months it seems like they cut off number of players in Kyber generally. 

      • DarthJobbie's avatar
        Rising Adventurer

        terms of playing has absolutely heehaw in this.  Whatever your GP is, never mind your zeta or omi toons that you have, its players who punch up, get promoted and unfortunately meet other accounts at different levels of GP.  GAC, especially say 3v3 people dont play or try. Use that and earn more, no one at higher GPs have an issue with it, there will be some point when a 12m gp account will start fighting back and that might be in k5

  • DarthJobbie's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    honestly think that your ambition in doing well is a fantastic sense of character, id want your thinking in TW in a guild because you are pushing up, yeah theres that negative from me you maybe need to realise that its never an even playing field but i completely understand your argument and hopefully you realise im not being facetious, just hope that you can continue that upward journey

  • This episode stuff isn't going to do well in the long run.  People are spending now because they want to get GL Ahsoka.  After that CG is going to burn people out on spending hundreds every month to get characters because the decision-maker at CG wants to increase what we'll spend money on.

    If "you" took even 3 months off and said to players, "hey, we're going to be fixing the myriad of bugs we've caused by releasing more spaghetti code.  So new releases won't happen for a while." I'm sure some loyalty would keep players here.  It would also show that you have respect for players, not just our wallets.

    It'd be great if the accountant in charge was replaced with a gamer again.  Because gamers used to be in charge at CG.