Forum Discussion

royerl's avatar
8 years ago

Do people buy credit packs?

I was wondering what the numbers were for credit pack purchases. If they are as bad as I think they are wouldnt be better for both sides to rework the packs a bit?
  • i bought a lot of them on the beta server a while ago, like 100+ to level up chars ... after that experience i would NEVER spend my own money on credit packs EVER!
  • ever wondered why they are called "credit" packs? You'll need a good credit history with your bank in order to afford those
  • Moved to Feedback/Data Packs.

    This category is for everything in the main store, from bronziums to credit packs.
  • Absolutely not, only thing worse to buy is the BM packs
    those packs aren't even worth it if you got the maximum IMO