"Zen;121307" wrote:
I don't believe it is accurate is what I meant.
So a guy posting every single drop/attempt and providing percentage is not accurate. Someone starting 236th thread along the lines of "over the last few days my drops sucked" IS accurate? Is that what you're saying?
"Zen;121307" wrote:
All you have to do is read like all the posts complaining about the drop rate to realise that.
I have. And all YOU have to do is read the replies of people actually providing their averages (not just complaining that their drops are not up to their expectations) to see that there is no actual hard evidence to prove that the drops have been nerfed. It's all about the subjective opinion of the poster, nothing more.
"Zen;121307" wrote:
still others have already verified the rates
Yes, they have. And in the majority of those posts the average drop rate is around 1:3. Which is pretty much what it's always been. Maybe you can get 1:5 over a couple of days, but then you get 1:2 for a while and it evens out. Don't believe me, look at my numbers: I started farming Mace the day they announced you will need 5x5* Jedi to get Yoda. That was what, the second of February? Or the fourth. The announcement has since been deleted, but I think it was one of those days. At that point my Mace was at 1/80. Right now he's 20/65, meaning I farmed (79+20)=99 shards in that time. If we assume the announcement came on the second, that's 12 days. 99/12=8,25 drops per day. Since you get 120 free energy plus another 120 from a refill, that's 24 attempts daily. 8 shards out of 24 attempts: 8/24 = 1/3. That's more or less the droprate I've seen over the last 12 days. But hey, you don't have to take my word for it. You KNOW the drops have been nerfed. And if facts don't fit that theory... well, too bad for the facts, right?