Forum Discussion

Oblerone's avatar
8 years ago

Drop rates, loss runs and transparency

None of what follows is new, but I hope it encourages EA to have a think about how they handle artificially stochastic functions in the game, and gives some of you a bit more info about how to gain dropped gear strategically.

People spend money on this game. It's like a strategy game with gambling attached -- eg. shard and gear drop battles. Unlike reputable gambling sites however SWGOH does not tell you the probability of a win, or even make the drops Provably fair. An example of a provably fair online gambling site which provides clear odds and the house edge is the well known cryptocoin casino Just Dice

So, because of this lack of transparency I see lots of posts about unfair drop rates. This is probably partly due to an unknown drop rate, cognitive bias and unfamiliarity with expected win and loss runs in a set of geometrically distributed trials. It takes a great many trials to estimate a drop rate with reasonable accuracy, and even at higher drop rates you can hit quite long runs of losses - for example for a drop rate of 0.2 and in a series of a hundred wins you can expect your longest run of losses (before a win) to be between 14 and 37 (some easy papers on run length distributions here and here).

Those loss runs are pretty long and could be disheartening -- and experienced by a large number of players, given the amount of gear with drop rates of 0.2.

I think people either assume that the drop rates are much worse than they are, or believe that EA are playing silly buggers and varying the drop rates (eg giving a large number of successes just before you run out of crystals, and then making up for it with a large number of losses just after you purchase them). These beliefs are all probably due to cognitive bias and lack of transparency, but EA leave themselves open to accusations of cheating by not using any of available methods of proving fairness and by not providing accurate drop rates.

As my guild (BaseDeltaZero rocks wooo!) knows I have a new baby and my brain is reeling. I don't have time or brain power to do the usual sorts of non-swgoh analysis I did pre-baby at my blog, but I have just about enough IQ left to post an analysis of my drop rates, loss runs and win runs for the past fortnight. I also checked that in each case distribution of number of losses before a win fit the expected geometric distribution well enough to not reject that assumption as the null, and in each case they did. From this you could just as easily believe that EA is running a fair game, or they're being very subtle about cheating us. Make no mistake - our disbelief is their fault.

I'll post my actual results in other posts - this one is too long if I include them.

  • My new favorite thread. Being naught but a humble javascripting code-monkey I'm appreciative of the work. Multiple threads have reported on the streakiness of drops. But also from Evasion (especially Lumi) who randomly seems to pop up and become untouchable even if your team is all 15 levels higher, better geared, better modded, and you smoked the rest of her team just prior.

    Every couple of weeks I'll hit a 15 shard drop on a toon in the Bronzium packs, so then I spam it and I'll 30-40+ shards, 1's, 7's, often another 15, in a few minutes until it dies away. Most of it is Shard Shop material, but still very useful.
  • "Movanliposts;c-1183102" wrote:
    You have realised, that the front door lets you into the real world.?The drop rates won't change, if you venture outside. There are real girls outside, drop rates are also low percentage on getting a good one.

    In other words, it's high percentage of getting a crazy one.
  • Would be cool if the game would track your stats, on each node, on each type of gear or other reward, and let you see your historical drop rate. So when you clicked on a piece of gear it could show you the overall rate, and the rate on each node where you can find it. And while these would vary for each player and each piece of gear and node, over time, things would gradually revert to a mean (trendlines would be cool too!). This would still allow EA to keep actual RNG rates a secret and/or changeable over time. But it would give players some more concrete data to look at. They could and would still gripe and accuse and whine and complain but there would be real data to look at at least, not just how you feel about the last 10 sims.