Forum Discussion

TaTaKaS's avatar
5 years ago

Early GAC start request...

I know this will probably not happen but nothing to lose here so I'll give it a try.

With more and more people forced to stay at home lately (I am one of them) it is natural that we have more free time to play our favourite (or at least one of them) game.I know that the normal procedure for GAC is after they end we stare at the leaderboards for one week with no obvious reason and then we stare at the "check back soon" message for another week again for no obvious reason before we can finally play the best part of the game which is also probably keeping most of the players still playing this game.

With the release of the Event Calendar for April I can see that the preview phase starts on the 7th. (probably the join period) and we willl probably play our first round on the 10th.With this GAC ending in March 30th. it is a nice gap of 11-12 days with nothing to do...

Yes,I know there is galactic war!!!Seriously,the raids are really not that enjoyable (simming the pit,autoing the tank and race to top10 for sith),DS Geo TB is a little bit better but not much to do really, TW we are forced to perform mostly and with "mandatory" squads,so what is left to enjoy??

In these difficult times it would be a nice gesture from CG to give us at least an early start on the next GAC!!!A few more rewards going out to players wouldn't break the economy of the game I think...

  • Magruffin's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    Meah ... gac hasn't been enjoyable due to poor matchmaking in awhile. It's just frustrating and the payouts aren't really worth it.
  • "Magruffin;c-2083669" wrote:
    Meah ... gac hasn't been enjoyable due to poor matchmaking in awhile. It's just frustrating and the payouts aren't really worth it.

    GAC is my favorite game mode, win or lose and regardless of rewards.

    I wouldn’t be opposed to them getting rid of the 5th week being a review period. It would be one thing if they had battles for us to actually review in game.

    Some people need or want a break after a month long GAC, so I understand it’s probably a good idea to have that review week there.