Forum Discussion

JediMeatbag's avatar
7 years ago

Earn JTR with Gear 3, Level 65 Veterans

The predominant opinion out there is that completing the JTR Hero's Journey requires the Veteran Smugglers' be a minimum of ~ Level 85, Gear 7 and have decent mods. Hogwash. The event CAN be completed with a decently strong Finn and Scavenger Rey and relatively minimal improvement to the vets. Admittedly, it probably takes less time to mod and gear the vets than it does to complete it this way, but if you're determined to put as few resources into the veterans as possible, it can be done.

I was able to complete the event with the following:
  • Finn: Zeta, Gear 11, Mods: Unimpressive potency array (Though this would likely be much easier if I'd switched them out to prioritize Tenacity, Health and Speed, in that order.)
  • Scavenger Rey: Gear 11, Mods: Unremarkable Crit Damage and Crit Chance mods.
  • Veteran Chewbacca: Level 65, Gear 3, Mods: None, Abilities: All Level 5 (Except 'Let the Wookie Win' - not unlocked).
  • Veteran Han Solo: Level 65, Gear 3, Mods: None, Abilities: All Level 5 (Except 'Swindle' - not unlocked).

Getting past Tier 3 is very difficult, the real challenge being soloing Tier 4/Phase 4. Actually, Phase 3 is probably more difficult than Phase 4, but Phase 4 is extremely tedious; my successful run took a really, really long time (probably 45 minutes just for Phase 4) to pull off what is essentially a solo with Finn, as the Veterans will die very early.

In Phase 4, the Stormtrooper frequently Taunts, the Riot Control Trooper constantly stuns, cleanses and gives everyone Protection Up, and Phasma does her annoying thing and everyone is constantly called to assist. This means Finn spends about 90% of the time stunned. The key is patience. These guys are extremely hard to kill, but they don't do that much damage and have no actual healing (just protection up).

The key is to use 'Hold The Line' as often as possible unless the target has either little or no protection. Depending on Finn's tenacity, he might get one action for every 10 turns, but if he has Defense Up and Heal Over Time, he'll keep surviving. About once every 50 turns (or so it seems) when hell freezes over, all the planets align in perfect harmony and they stop making Sharknado movies, Finn gets an unimpeded attack against a target without protection and will do damage directly to its health. Since they have no healing, you can eventually win a battle of attrition if you're patient enough.

I didn't change Finn's mods and still had a boatload of Protection and Potency on him and very little extra speed. I was able to do this on the 3rd try, but if mods were to focus on tenacity, health and speed it probably would have been much faster with far fewer near-death experiences. Once Tier 4 was beat, the remaining Tiers provided little challenge to G11 zFinn and G11 Rey.

  • "Random9;c-1576741" wrote:
    Nice job, but the vets are an easy gear to gear 8 and it keeps you from having to spend 45 minutes on tie 4

    "DarkHelmet1138;c-1576888" wrote:
    Agreed. Most of the items needed for g4 thru g8 you probably already have hundreds of and the ones you don't, are an easy farm so not much loss by just gearing them.

    I'm not claiming that gearing them up was difficult (though not leveling them saved me ~10 million credits). It was just a fun little adventure to see if I could push the 'bare minimum' claims. It is a game, after all, and as much as I love the repetition of click-farm grinding and the monotony of doing wave after wave of attack in the goes-nowhere, pays-nothing Sith Raid, occasionally I get an urge to branch off find amusement in the game in other ways.

    Kudos! How many pieces were they missing for G12? Now, if you could just get back the 30,000 cantina energy you had to spend for all those shards.
  • "cannonfodder_iv;c-1576595" wrote:
    Kudos! How many pieces were they missing for G12?

    Both Rey and Finn are at minimum for Gear 11 (0/6 G12)

    "cannonfodder_iv;c-1576595" wrote:
    Now, if you could just get back the 30,000 cantina energy you had to spend for all those shards.

    I'll give up the cantina energy to get back the crystals! I didn't bother farming them until May, so there was a solid 8,000 or so Crystals that went into them, too. :/ (edit: on second thought, the Cantina Energy is worth more than the crystals, so yeah, I'll take that back! ... where do I sign up for that?)
  • "Random9;c-1576741" wrote:
    Nice job, but the vets are an easy gear to gear 8 and it keeps you from having to spend 45 minutes on tie 4

    Plus it's more total GP inflation ;)
  • "Random9;c-1576741" wrote:
    Nice job, but the vets are an easy gear to gear 8 and it keeps you from having to spend 45 minutes on tie 4

    Agreed. Most of the items needed for g4 thru g8 you probably already have hundreds of and the ones you don't, are an easy farm so not much loss by just gearing them.
  • I used a similar approach, though i did bring the vets to g7 i had them at level 70ish and not a single purple ability mat.
    Fin g11 no omegas, rey g12 no omegas.

    Vets gear still has some use in TB, and finn / rey you need anyway in other areas.

    It was a cakewalk with this setup.