Forum Discussion

KR27GZ's avatar
8 years ago

Empire packs for R2D2 event?

Do you think they are going to put up empire packs for the R2D2 event? And if they put packs on sale, there is some possibility that they sell vader shards + Tie Advanced
  • "StarwarsrawratS;c-1035802" wrote:
    Hopefully they sell packs like they did for sith. I only have 4 7* empire characters. Could use 80 red guard shards to make my 5th

    It's faster and easier to level up RG than Vader. I still need around 30 shards to level him up to 7*. I just need him to complete the last tier.
  • I'd buy some TIE Advanced blueprints. I'd also love to do something with Kylo's shuttle, but that's not Imperial.

    I hope they add an Imperial shuttle that seats Palpatine and RG.
  • Yes please. I Currently only have 2 7* Empire toons, Vader and Palp. RG and GMT on 6* and Shore on 5*. I really want R2 to add to my Rogue One Arena team, so I'd happily invest to get my empire team up to snuff.
  • "StarwarsrawratS;c-1035802" wrote:
    Hopefully they sell packs like they did for sith. I only have 4 7* empire characters. Could use 80 red guard shards to make my 5th

    If you have a lot ally points use them on data cards, RG has a very good character drop rate.
    Still RNG tho ;)
  • If you do the math, magma trooper is the best bet. At 15 shards per day from GW, you can get him to max in like 17 days. Assuming the event is 12 days long and you are diligent, you could 7 star him if you had zero shards right now.
  • How can i write to EA directly? Do they check the discussions here?
    In the (barely translated) empire group pack which is in the shop yet are between 10 and 330 shards of any imperial character. The probability of any amount has to be equal, right? So, why i got only 10 shards on four times i bought it?
    Does the game know i only have earned gems and punishes me because of that? That would be a reason to shut it down.
    What do you think? Coincidence? I don't think so. I'm really upset. Spend all my gems on that.
    The game was great until that and won't get R2D2.
    Sorry for my english.