Forum Discussion

BigRed0272's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

Episode Pass+ User Feedback

The Episode Pass+ has a big problem with how much Episode Currency(EC) you get in a short timeframe. The 30K Cap isn't enough for this type of user.  Since this new system launched I have completed every quest possible and am currently in-between Step 27 and Step 28.  I have Received 54,000 Episode Currency in this short 3-4 day span. I have spent 27,700 EC so I haven't gone over the Cap, but I am forced into buying things I would rather not have to buy.  Something need to change with the store or the Cap.  I would recommend doubling the Cap to 60k since the bulk of the EC is front loaded for these buyers. The other issue is there isn't enough to buy in the store for the amount of EC I can get. Either large quantities for more EC, or a few more items would be a good thing to add. 


3 Replies

  • Totally agree with this.  I really don't like having to spend on items I do not need just because I am about to hit the cap on this currency.  Especially since the shipment refreshes once a week. I would suggest to uncap or triple the cap.

  • I don't think this store refreshes - It's once per episode. It seems likely you will be allowed to keep the currency between episodes though.

    If they raise the cap, that would means you could collect enough currency to last several episodes (ie, you can skip buying the pass for future ones) if all you care about is buying omicrons. I don't think they want to give you that option.

    They probably could add more different loot though, but perhaps their idea is to give you gear for scavenger relic mat conversion, like some of the raid and guild currencies already do. Are you able to empty the store if you collect all the currency with the episode pass?

    I'm not saying things are great. I'm just pointing out potential reasons and problems.

  • Dang wish i had your problems XD i simply cant see myself getting those brand new to 7 starts and buying pass to be able to event collect thise 30k currency. 

    Trying my very best and only have 7k