8 years ago
Event Idea: Bounty Hunter Blacklist
BH are on the cusp of viability, and have one of the deepest movie/show character bases to pull from. How about showing all of us BH fans some love. Recently there have been events/focuses on Rebels, then Empire, then Sith, now back to Rebels. Let's spice things up. A massive BH release (similar to Pheonix Squadron) would be a great change of pace.
BH could use 2 relatively minor reworks, and as many new characters as CG is willing to make. As far as reworks go:
1. Cad Bane: Cad Bane is awesome in TCW, but in this game... not so much... With a few changes he could again make a splash. Here are some concepts from an older post with a lot of promise. Shout out to @Risz - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/94526/thought-of-a-cad-bane-rework
2. Greedo: Greedo is an absolute gear hog, with borderline usefulness only if you invest all the way through his ridiculous G9 and G10. Let's make him useful again: Give him a zeta which makes detonators un-cleanse-able while he is alive. Boom. Here's a thread with good ideas for him. Shout out to @DA_CHOSEN_ONE and @Wrathe - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/98013/greedo-buff-ideas#latest
Now for the new characters. This is where things get fun! Just keep the current new-toon event formats with packs progressing to chromium. I'd call myself a dolphin, but I'd go whale for these guys, and know others who would drop some cash as well. PS, don't have to add all of these, just giving a list.
1. Jango: Here's the prize. He's your "Nihilus" of this event. Give him some Boba synergy and his flamethrower.
2. Embo: You've already made him devs, 9B third wave, share the love
3. Bossk: Lots of character concepts for Bossk out there already. Here's one of mine - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/91275/character-concept-bossk-rework/p1
4. Aurra Sing
5. Zuckuss and 4-LOM: Those two chubby insectile-looking Bounty Hunter's who were summoned by Darth Vader when he wanted bounty hunters to hunt down Luke.
6. Black Krrsantan: Yes, he's a black furred bounty hunter Wookie who worked with Boba Fett. I know he's obscure, but I want a black wookie with grenades.
7. Hondo: People keep asking for him, with some sarcasm.
8. Jabba the Hutt: He doesn't need a BH tag, but could act as a potent and tanky support for a BH team, with big TM manipulation, increased crit chance or special debuff for selected enemy toon.
Let me know what you guys think! If I missed anyone respond with name and a basic build idea! Let's get the BH word out there.
BH could use 2 relatively minor reworks, and as many new characters as CG is willing to make. As far as reworks go:
1. Cad Bane: Cad Bane is awesome in TCW, but in this game... not so much... With a few changes he could again make a splash. Here are some concepts from an older post with a lot of promise. Shout out to @Risz - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/94526/thought-of-a-cad-bane-rework
2. Greedo: Greedo is an absolute gear hog, with borderline usefulness only if you invest all the way through his ridiculous G9 and G10. Let's make him useful again: Give him a zeta which makes detonators un-cleanse-able while he is alive. Boom. Here's a thread with good ideas for him. Shout out to @DA_CHOSEN_ONE and @Wrathe - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/98013/greedo-buff-ideas#latest
Now for the new characters. This is where things get fun! Just keep the current new-toon event formats with packs progressing to chromium. I'd call myself a dolphin, but I'd go whale for these guys, and know others who would drop some cash as well. PS, don't have to add all of these, just giving a list.
1. Jango: Here's the prize. He's your "Nihilus" of this event. Give him some Boba synergy and his flamethrower.
2. Embo: You've already made him devs, 9B third wave, share the love
3. Bossk: Lots of character concepts for Bossk out there already. Here's one of mine - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/91275/character-concept-bossk-rework/p1
4. Aurra Sing
5. Zuckuss and 4-LOM: Those two chubby insectile-looking Bounty Hunter's who were summoned by Darth Vader when he wanted bounty hunters to hunt down Luke.
6. Black Krrsantan: Yes, he's a black furred bounty hunter Wookie who worked with Boba Fett. I know he's obscure, but I want a black wookie with grenades.
7. Hondo: People keep asking for him, with some sarcasm.
8. Jabba the Hutt: He doesn't need a BH tag, but could act as a potent and tanky support for a BH team, with big TM manipulation, increased crit chance or special debuff for selected enemy toon.
Let me know what you guys think! If I missed anyone respond with name and a basic build idea! Let's get the BH word out there.