So we have this series of Luke events going on.
The first was more or less the first part of A New Hope. Jawa, Tuskens, and Luke.
What is likely to be the next one?
Well, it's either going to be the space portion of EP IV, or it will be EP V.
Now Jawa weren't exactly Luke's allies at any point in A New Hope so whoever is required could merely be standers by rather than Luke's companions. The only assumption I would make is who it wouldn't be: his enemies.
Now Luke was actually rescued in EP V by Lando, Leia, R2, and C3P0,
At the end of EP IV he was fighting in ships with Han, Biggs, Wedge, and R2.
Old Ben died before Luke got rid of his rifle, so I don't see it requiring him.
Ewoks didn't appear until Return of the Jedi (Jedi Luke, not Rebel Luke), so I don't see it being them.
TLDR; It's not Old Ben or Ewoks, it's some form of Rebels. This is (Rebel) Commander Luke we are going for here. The event to unlock will be an homage to him becoming such.