Forum Discussion

Basanovbeni's avatar
2 years ago

Fankit idea for Taron Malikos

Since Fallen Order kits are coming out, I thought of throwing in my idea for Malikos, cuz I really liked him. So, let me know if you like the idea!

UNIT NAME: Taron Malikos


CATEGORY: Attacker(STR), Unaligned Force User

A cunning Duelist who manipulates his health for heavy scaling

BASIC: Twin Slash
FINAL TEXT: Deal physical damage to the target enemy twice and inflict two stacks of Damage over Time for 2 turns. If the target enemy is already debuffed, Taron will recover 5% Health.

SPECIAL: Fanged God Form (Cooldown 3)
FINAL TEXT: (Zeta, Omicron) Deal physical damage to the target enemy which cannot be evaded or countered, then gain a stack of Fanged God until the end of the Encounter, up to 3 max, which cannot be prevented, copied or dispelled. If this Ability is used at 3 stacks of Fanged God, consume all stacks and gain +100% Offense (stacking) until the end of the Encounter.

Fanged God: +15 Speed, +20% critical damage, but loses 2% health at the beginning of each turn.

While in Territory War: If Taron is below 100% Health when using this Ability, Dispel all buffs on all enemies, inflict Daze for 2 turns which cannot be resisted, copied or dispelled, and he will take a Bonus Turn.

SPECIAL: Blade Wave (Cooldown 4)
FINAL TEXT: (Zeta) Deal special damage to all enemies and inflict Blind and Stagger for 2 turns. If an enemy has any percent max health damage dealing debuffs (Damage over Time, Bleed, Burn, Plague), trigger all of their effects as well. This Ability deals more damage and gains more healthsteal the lower Taron's health is, up to +100% damage and +150% healthsteal if he is below 25% health.

UNIQUE: Depths of Ambition
FINAL TEXT: (Omicron) At the beginning of the Encounter, Taron loses all protection and gains that amount as Max Health, as well as +50% Tenacity. Taron takes reduced damage from percent max health damaging effects.

At the start of any turn, Taron dispells all debuffs on himself and loses 3% health per debuff dispelled, which cannot defeat him. Then he inflicts one Damage over Time effect per debuff dispelled on all active units for 1 turn which cannot be resisted.

Whenever Taron loses health either through this effect or from being damaged by percent max health damaging effects, he gains 2% Offense (stacking, up to +200%) until the end of the Encounter.

While in Territory War: If at the beginning of the Encounter, there are no other allies, Taron gains +100% Max Health and Defense and begins the encounter with two stacks of Fanged God. Whenever Taron loses turnmeter, he recovers 5% Health and gains one stack of Damage over Time for 1 turn which cannot be resisted. Additionally, whenever an enemy loses damage over time, Taron gains 5% turnmeter.
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