Forum Discussion

ludwigsangina's avatar
8 years ago

Farming mods efficiently. Question:

I am a level 76. I have completed all 3 tiers of the health mod challenges. I am only able to complete 2 tiers of defense challenge.

If I want to start farming mods through challenges with maximum efficiency is it necessary to complete the 3rd tier of defense mod?

Basically I want to know if completing the 3rd tier of defense mod challenge will improve my mod challenge farming, or if it will only improve what I see in the mod stores?
  • If you're farming for defensive mods then obviously yes it will improve, but otherwise getting that challenge to 3* only improves the frequency that 5* mods show up in the shop.
  • I plan to farm potency mods. So you are saying that completing tier 3 of defense mod challenge will not be necessary to increase my chances of obtaining rare 5 star potency mods from the challenges?
  • Correct it won't have any effect on the other challenges at all, just the mod shop.
  • I understand that, therefore it is the ability to obtain rare mods (gold and purple) that I am specifically asking about.

    Do I need to complete tier 3 of defense mod challenge to farm rare potency mods from the challenges with maximum efficency?
  • I understand your skepticism, and negativity. But as I am not aware of any plans to release mod packs, and I have reached a point where I cannot progress in the arena without better mods, I must therefore farm.
  • If you need or think you will need any characters from cantina do them first, and in the meantime unlock a better mod set. Crit chance, crit damage, speed, potency are the best. Make a team for one of those and farm those sets instead.

    And in answer to your question, yes tier 3 will give you better, 5* mods than tier 2 which gives you 4*. You should get the 5* mods. If you don't want to do the above (I think you should), then just do tier 3 health mods.
  • "ludwigsangina;943876" wrote:
    I understand that, therefore it is the ability to obtain rare mods (gold and purple) that I am specifically asking about.

    Do I need to complete tier 3 of defense mod challenge to farm rare potency mods from the challenges with maximum efficency?

    No, I obtained rare mods before I completed tier 3 of defense, and I don't believe I've had any better drop rate since completing it.
  • Cardiff, my question was pertaining to rarity. After completing the defense mod challenge tier II, I received a notification saying that I will now see rare mods in the mod shop with greater frequency and that after tier III it would be further increased. Drax's reply, if accurate, answers my question.