Forum Discussion

DarthAceSolo's avatar
Rising Rookie
3 hours ago

Feels good losing to a cheater

Sure does.

Opponent dropped 8 battles. I dropped 1. He saved top for last 15 minutes. The drops were all bottom walls.

So we're trading blow for blows. Now here comes the cheating. My top row was jmk with plo cron. Gungans with support cron. Quagme with Qui gon cron and great mothers with GM cron. Opponent beat beat gungans ok. 2 minutes...hell no. 2 of my fleets in 4 minutes....doubly hell no. His jmk was on defense so no mirror. This guy dropped 8 battles on bottom walls and then suddenly one shot those named teams fast plus 2 ships. With 7 minutes left, because I checked, he beat gungans and JMK plus 2 snipe.

He told me my defenses were weak despite dropping 8 battles...then suddenly ripped off 4 one shots and 2 fleets. 

So like I said, feels good that it took some cheating to lose. And it was probably a case of he wasn't going to, but when he realized he was going to lose, resorted to it. 

Dissapointing but still doing work against the honest players. Keep up the banning EA and CG. If it's only one thing you get right in this game, since testing isn't on the docket, at least getting the cheaters out. Keep grinding.

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