"Notthatguyfrombefore;c-2452326" wrote:
Because that would create a whole host of problems which would arguably make the system worse. If guilds could only face others in within a certain GP range the inevitable conclusion would be guilds forcing members to sign up, just in case the opposition gets all 50 of theirs. That has no benefits for anyone, and would push a lot of players out of the game. Players need to be able to pick and choose what game modes they want to engage with, and guilds should have that choice too as to what they focus on.
The next set of the filter after guild GP would be # joined. Should be closeish. Players can pick if they want to play or not, as said above by a guild leader they will never enforce manadatory sign up. And would probably be that way across a lot of guilds.
The point is they are not rewarded with easier match ups due to people choosing to do other things besides TW.