8 years ago
Fix it
This post is to EA. Look up my account. Notice how much money I have spent? Are you at all interested in keeping that going? I can afford to spend the money I have spent so far and will continue to do that if you fix your game. Rebalance the characters. Do what you said and put the exploiters and super whales on a separate shard from the rest. Stop with the rewards of 600 credits completing a level 85 mission when you know that is a drop in the bucket to progress in your game. Fix something as we all know that you there at EA know what we the fans want. If you ignore us, we will just move on and give our $ to someone else. This game has so much potential, so put your knowhow to use and fix the major issues. There are hundreds maybe thousands of posts going into great detail on what the issues are. If you do not act, we the community will leave and think twice before contributing to another deaf eared EA app. I know you will not let that happen. Thanks for your time.