I'm still in the wait and see camp. My current guild pretty much didn't touch phase 4 of light side geonosis anyway, so leaving later phases alone will be nothing new for a lot of guilds.
It's going to depend on the combat points to deploy points balance in the star scoring.
A guild that has a decent amount of r6 teams could concentrate all deployment in one track to get 2 or 3 stars while only fighting the other 2 areas to get close to a star.
Phase 1: Fight and deploy 2 stars dark side. Fight N and L tracks.
Phase 2: Fight and deploy 2 stars N, Fight D and L.
Phase 3: Fight and deploy 2-3 stars L, fight N and D. (I have upto 3 stars here from 2 phases being a lot of prep. Maybe not?).
Phase 4: Back to dark etc...
Over 6 phases that's a 12 star plan with no r7 teams required. It all depends on the points required though. Even with higher point thresholds it could be a 6 star plan.
I just think it's too soon to proclaim the TB dead, or unplayable.