This happened with GeoTBs too….when DS and LS Geo came out we preloaded Phase 1 and 2 as an UPPER end guild……same thing will happen here.
Well, no.
The same thing didn't happen in LSTB. I was there. I remember.
We went in, we started the battles, and then we got crushed. We might not have actually gotten any TP from combat missions, but we were allowed to attempt them.
In other words, we were allowed to play the game.
This plan from CG **denies the opportunity to actually play the game**. That's the part to which I object.
To be relentlessly clear, I call attention to the fact that I have never asked for lesser difficulty. Only lesser entrance requirements. I don't want to be told I can't play. I just want to go in and get blown up on my own power. That at least allows me to get ideas, to think creatively, to make my own decisions on what toons or squads or factions need a new focus.
If I can't even have a look, then I'm letting someone else play the game and then tell me in a Youtube video what I'm supposed to gear and which abilities need zetas or omis and I'm just pushing the buttons to follow someone else's plan -- all without entering a battle.
That's not gameplay. That's bookkeeping. While I have accountants in my own family (god's mercy be upon them) MOST of us don't think bookkeeping is a grand old time.
Insane relic requirement for any toon in the leader slot is okay, I guess. Personally I think anyone should have the right to be gloriously slaughtered in unwindable combat. But still, I don't think I would object to a requirement for an r9 leader. Because then each person would only have to have a couple r9 toons to be able to attempt the battles on their guild's track. That's a huge amount of work just to get 2 of them, but it's not something that you couldn't do in 1-2 months if you're someone with no r9s and your guild leader said you'll need them because your guild is going to start attempting the new TB.
Again, I'm arguing for game play, not easy victories. Personally I'm convinced that straight r9 won't win many 4/4 battles in p1 (though I'd be happy to be wrong) because that's how it was in LSTB when it was released.
You could have straight r7s (the best toons then available) and you would still get murdered because Omicrons didn't exist, Mon Mothma + Kyle didn't exist, JMK didn't exist, and JML didn't exist.
The toons we relic today to attempt the battles aren't going to be the ones that win those battles. The toons that win vs. the new TB aren't even on CG's drawing board.