Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
2 years ago

Forget the new TB

This is the deciding factor for me:

I have to have 20 or more r9 toons just to be eligible to play all the battles in the final phase? Not to win, just to have the option of playing. Otherwise you simply don't get to play all the battles that day, and if you don't have 5xr9 you don't get to play any of the battles on day 5 or day 6.

It would be ... interesting. Not necessarily good, but interesting... if that required toon chart was the requirements for your mission leader, but once you had a single r9 toon you could attempt the battle with a lesser squad behind your marvellous leader.

Very few people have 5xr9 with synergy. They might have 5 or 10 r9 toons, but they'll be prioritizing taking the GL's to r9, so they'll have mutliple strong r9 leaders, but no r9 squads.

I honestly can't imagine how many people are even allowed to play a single mission in this TB. It can't be many.

I play this game to have fun. Entering an event, even if getting only a single p1 star is enough to get better rewards than 30+ in the Geo TBs, frustrates the entire point.

How many times must I say it?

This is a game. We play games for fun. Entering an event we're not allowed to play is not fun.

On top of this, listing a 200Mgp entrance requirement for this TB is a cruel joke. How many 200Mgp guilds have a single player with a single r9 toon?

The player base isn't ready for this, CG. These r8 and r9 requirements are ill-conceived and badly executed.