This post is quite on point. As DarthPlasmatus said, these are only some of the complaints/requests that us players have but the largest issue, in my humble opinion, is the utter lack of REAL communication between you (the devs) and us (your customers). Many of the valid concerns/complaints being voiced here, and in the majority of posts on these forums over the past 2+ months, have gone largely ignored. I know that that term might be inaccurate and it may be that you are reading what we are posting, but the lack of commentary on your behalf makes your customers feel that way.
There are probably valid reasons for why you are not choosing to adopt some of the changes or additions (or deletions) being proposed by the players. I by no means wish to make you feel like those requests need to be implemented in anyway. However, the current process seems to be to totally ignore them. I personally would be delighted to see a response from the devs stating that you have considered something offered to you and rejected it. Even more so, I would love to see an explanation as to why you made a certain decision. Please note, however, that by explanation I mean a forthright and honest explanation not clouded in corporate-ese and shifted focus.
You don't think the raid rewards should be changed? Fine. Why?
The changes made to expose were only really an issue (in the developers' opinions) following the release of the Sith raid. Why couldn't those changes only be implemented within that raid?
TL:DR Not asking for anything more than honest and open communication. Customers who feel lied to become customers who feel cheated become non-customers.