Forum Discussion

neogeohunter's avatar
4 years ago

Frustration bigger than fun

Frustration bigger than fun

This game is losing it’s fun factor at all. A game should make fun and not cause anger and frustration. If that’s the case, it’s a bad game. SWGOH was fun back in the days. The lack of content and the very frustrating RNG component in several parts of the game causes a lot of negative feelings. The only reason why this still works is the great community, especially on discord. Some points I have identified for me:

- Slicing from 6E-6A is more frustrating than rolling 4x speed on a new mod. Great mods with 4 speed roles, role 4 times defens or other crappy stats... I don’t expect many speed roles, but maybe I am super unlucky on that. I sliced four CD triangles from E to A over a month... not a single time a speed role... this is very frustrating!
- I spend money on a regular base for crystals and buy mostly all new marquees. The funny thing is that even If I pay for “new content” (lol), I have no advantage at all... at a certain state of a roster you need to continue to spend otherwise you lose competitiveness in several modes, because your opponents and guild mates get stronger... you start to get less gear, means you start to fall back... solution? Spend more! It’s not pay2win it’s pay2notfallback
- Greediness when it comes to rewards... the rewards of the new rancor are a joke for 11-40... I understood the situation we have had with the HSR... rewards included character shards... it’s fine to keep them tight, but mats or gear?

If this is the end game content... it’s end of the road. Again... a game should make fun and cause positive feelings, especially in these dark days of corona. Maybe I am the only one who has that feeling, but If not, CG should rethink their strategies.

2 Replies

  • Even if you spend absurd amounts of money you're not guaranteed a set outcome, this game is rocky for sure but it's fun and challenging. I like to think of it as a game that doesn't end which has a certain level of value. But it would be nice to have some fresh new OC
  • The game has lost most of it's fun factor!! The game is basically been reduced to nothing more than waiting around to acquire mk5 stun guns, mk3 stun cuffs, mk8 golden eyeballs etc...
    It seems lately the Gal Challenges max rewards are only rewarded to those that have spent heavily to have the latest mando toons!!! But don't bother complaining cuz the moderators will just point out it's all about efficient "resource management" and if you're complaining about lack of gears its your own fault for not scrutinizing over toon gear assignments for every single piece of gear in your inventory!!