Forum Discussion

jpfit262's avatar
4 years ago

Future of GAC post nerf

This has been a trend in GAC, but with the nerfs it will go from a 10% win rate to 0%. These teams won’t be beatable by anything other than GLs.

It’s going to now come down to whether both opponents set GLs on D or set any defense at all. And if you have all 5 GLs, and place them strategically you can keep your opponents from clearing all zones.

Now let’s add Vader on D, it’s reportedly going to be unbeatable and mirror matches will be unpredictable RNG fest. So now ships will be potentially unclearable.

How are any of these changes expected to keep GAC relevant? GLs were already making things difficult, but we had the non GL counters. Now we don’t have those and it’ll come down to a numbers game.