7 years ago
GA Fleet Imbalance
There is a persistent isssue with how ships function in GA. If you have a very strong fleet then you are automatically disadvantaged in GA. Because fleets account for very little of your battle scor...
"Altazarus;c-1775908" wrote:
It is difficult to say what is your best option, since we have no idea about your GP. If you are well above 4 million in GP your problem is that both you and the opponent have several strong teams and by using natural counters you both can and will clear ground forces with 100% certainty. So then ship come into play and someone who has the new falcon plus the phoenix ships maxed out, and the 4 bounty hunter ships maxed out with virtually no other ship aside from Biggs at all activated, will likely have some 0.5 million less GP from ships which has gone into gear 12+ for toons. If that is the case your opponent will clear your fleet in a single battle but managing to clear your ground teams with max scores, so he will win by anything between 5 and 40 points.
If you are below 2 million, what they said above is very much true, since you can and will also clear his ground teams at max score with ease, and then it comes down to ships, where you likely will have the advantage since his fleet will likely not be at par with yours.
But if you are asking who is better off in GA, someone with a roster of 40-42 toons with gear 12+, 6E mods maxed for speed, and maxed out bounty ships, phoenix ships and the new falcon plus only 2 capital ships maxed out, or someone with a diverse base, the answer is, a focused roster will win with ease, since he will have about 20% higher power where it matters, whereas you will have dozens of toons and ship that are useless to you. However, it was you who actually selected to develop those extra toons for whatever reason, nobody has actually forced you to do so. When you have done that, you have selected a long-term strategy and GA will always stay tougher for you.
In fact I know that for a fact, since with a focused roster I cannot do some events (no ewoks so no C3PO, no NS so I miss some zetas, etc.), but I usually end up either 1st or 2nd if I face someone who has about 30% higher GP total than me. Because I have chosen to invest in zetas rather than activating all ships, and have discraded virtually every mod that does not add at least +10 speed, I can actually win even against people who are close to 40% higher GP in me both in Arena, GA, territory, etc. And yes, I understand I miss on some things to benefit from other things, so there is no *pure* benefit of playing my way.