2 years ago
GAC "Matchmaking"
when im at 4.2M GP why i have to face 8M accounts?? what am i supposed to do.. how can i win?? its getting ridiculous.
"GegeGerard24;c-2411418" wrote:
My thought on SKILL RATING (SR).
There is an analogy for SR in the RL. It is ELO rating in the game of chess.
ELO rating is how strong a player is measured in a game of chess.
The analogy is like this.
ELO rating = SR.
Chess proficiency = GP.
There are some ways that some points can be deducted of some1's ELO rating. One of which is when a chess player has been absent from championships for months or years.
That is because his chess proficiency does degrade and not to mention, his brain does too as he is getting old.
That's why, i think SR should be locked in relation of GP and his GAC winning history, thus a player will be locked in his division too.
I understand that not all GPs are the same.
For example, 1M GP with "trash roster" is weaker than 1M GP with carefully selected character, full of synergies with one another.
This is where his GAC winning history comes.
He has 1M GP AND he can massacre most opponent in the current division, he is promoted to the next division. Like he has a high winning probability for a given periode of time (to be determined later) in the current division, he will be promoted to the next division.
BUT he will be locked in his division for the rest of his swgoh life. He can't never go down to lower division.
Let's look at this...
Garry Kasparov (the chess GM) has retired from the world of chess since (maybe) 2005.
His ELO rating (if it was measured NOW) would considerably be much much lower than it should have been, when he was stilll the world's undisputed #1.
Even so, I think he would still massacre all your local village, local town, local province champions. Even your country's champion, if your country is not known for producing world class chess champions.
What does it mean? It means that Kasparov's ELO rating can't go down that low beyond your local town champion's ELO rating. It means that his ELO rating "is locked" somewhere in the rating ladder, like, his top ELO rating was 2,800-ish, i think he would not have an ELO lower than 2,600-2,700-ish, even though he has been absent since 2005.
Just like Kasparov's ELO rating, the SR should be locked too, even more so, because GP does not degrade.
A 6M GP should stay at Aurodium, no matter what and so on and so forth.
So one can only go up the division and can't go down, because his GP does not permit that.
This is just like, eventhough Kasparove has been absent from the world chess championships (like Kyber), I think he would not join a local village championship (like Carbonite), from 1 village to another, just to massacre all the local village champions to "rob" their would be prizes.
The points of thought.
1) if some1 signed up but decided not to attack, he him self would lose the rewards. And since his SR is locked (thus his division is too), he has nothing to gain from such action, except receiving the loser's rewards on and on.
2) if some1 didn't sign up, he would still be in his own division the next time he sign up, because the SR is locked.
3) if some1 is losing so much in the next division, it means he has to build a better roster. It does not mean that he should be demoted to the lower division. Remember, his roster was enough to massacre the lower division, refering to his GAC history, that was why he was promoted to the next division in the 1st place.
4) how the SR should be counted is open for discussion and also other things that slip my mind atm.
Long story short...
The SR should be locked in relation of some1's GP and his GAC history (his high winning probability in the current division).