Forum Discussion

matthewsaada's avatar
New Novice
5 years ago

GAC missing "join" button

Just wandering if anyone has the same problem. I can "enter" but never had to click "join" where as all my guild mates have had to join.
Also contacted ea and they said it's an issue they're aware of, so anybody else in my shoes?
  • Sorry, if Darjello doesn’t believe you neither do i. He’s my new TVF.
  • I really do hope I did press it and forgot since I just don't want to miss GAC. But I literally logged in to press join (this was the sole purpose of me going in) and it just wasn't there to press. And I couldn't have pressed it earlier since this was the first time I logged in after the last GAC finished.
  • "BrashSchwartz;c-1992055" wrote:
    "Saada;c-1992045" wrote:
    The screen shot is above mate. Just has "enter" and no "join"

    Yeah but that just shows enter. It has no proof. Go back in time, man! And prove the unprovable.

    This sounds like a Rick and Morty Season 4 episode idea...

    May I suggest, you have another cup of coffee before posting again?
  • I wish that would have happened to me, too. I'm not sure, but I think I forgot clicking the button or I got the bug again, but this time I think I just forgot. I really don't know why we always have to click join again. It can be easily forgotten and there is no reminder to join GA. It's kind of frustrating as I was on the way to Kyber.
  • I think i had the same but i'm not sure. Partly because i play in german where Join is "beitreten" and enter is "betreten" (just the "i" in the middle of the word makes the difference o.O)
  • @Saada i logged this issue with EA help beginning of last GAC and still waiting for a reply. Join button was not there for me also.