Forum Discussion

StartedwithAtar's avatar
3 years ago

GAC ranking system, how is it calculated?

Can anyone explain in depth how the "skill" ranking system works? How is your skill calculated and adjusted based on a win or loss? What other factors besides win/loss are considered, if any? Does skill change based on each win/loss within a round, or only considered when winning/losing the round itself?
If this is explained somewhere else already, apologies for reposting....
  • "DarthKillz;c-2330684" wrote:
    does the amount of skill points awarded directly correlate to the number of battles won within a round? For example, if my skill rating is currently 2873 and I will 2 battles, will it then be 2875? Just trying to understand the Skill number itself...

    Not sure what you are meaning by the terms round and battle.

    If you have the terms right, each battle does not affect skill rating. A battle earns you banners. The most banners from battles and conquering territories wins the round. Winning the round gains skill points. Losing the round loses skill points.

    If both players have the same skill points at the start of the round, they both lose and gain the same skill points (I think about 41 points? Unsure if this somehow scales to current skill rating). If the winning player started with more skill points than the loser, they gain less points on some scale the developers have not given details of. Likewise if the winner started on less skill points they will gain some higher number. It is similar but reversed for the loser.

    At the moment, each event (made up of 3 rounds) gets a pool of players all on the exact same skill points, although I guess there must be some pools that have a one point difference between some players. So the higher/ lower skill point difference thing is not a huge factor at the moment.

    Nothing else in the round affects skill change. Total number of banners, full cleared boards, undersize wins, none of that has an effect on the skill rating. Just win the round or lose the round.
  • Initial skill rating was based on your total roster GP. From there on it's adjusted when winning/losing a round.
  • does the amount of skill points awarded directly correlate to the number of battles won within a round? For example, if my skill rating is currently 2873 and I will 2 battles, will it then be 2875? Just trying to understand the Skill number itself...
  • crzydroid's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    "DarthKillz;c-2330684" wrote:
    does the amount of skill points awarded directly correlate to the number of battles won within a round? For example, if my skill rating is currently 2873 and I will 2 battles, will it then be 2875? Just trying to understand the Skill number itself...

    Not sure. It's possible someone has figured this out. Banners difference and GP difference could conceivably play a role.